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5 Secrets To A Long Healthy Life

Live Lighter | Healthy Lifestyle Blog –

Wouldn’t it be great to know the secret to a long, healthy life? Here today is guest blogger, Carol, who believes she has 5 tips to do so. These do not necessarily reflect my beliefs, but read through them yourself and choose what resonates with you. Then share your thoughts in the comment section!

Tweaking some changes in your lifestyle can not only help you live a long life but also live it up to its fullest. A comprehensive study conducted by nutritionists and researchers across the country concluded that four principal behaviours were responsible for putting people in an early grave, and causing them to age faster than usual. These behaviours include excessive drinking of alcohol, smoking, lack of exercise, lack of fresh fruits and vegetables in a balanced diet.

healthy-seniorsFortunately, it is not too late to correct unhealthy habits and get back on the path of a long and happy life. Take advantage of these following 5 secrets to make you look and feel young.

1. Do not overeat.

Nutrition experts, who study longevity around the world, claimed that if one wants to live up to 100, it is best not to eat more than you can. In one study, it was seen that elderly Japanese people– especially the oldest among the communities– would stop eating their food when they were only about 85{967bf23b37ec6a673a83041540b3f904a815b4119ddf673afb961c1e7592ebdd} full. According to researchers from St. Louis University, it has been confirmed that eating smaller portions than normal helps individuals to age slowly. In a particular study conducted in 2008, these researchers found that controlling one’s calories helped in lowering the production of a particular thyroid hormone, known as T3, which is responsible for slowing metabolism and speeding up the process of ageing.

2. Switch off the idiot box.

A lot of time in front of the television can actually cause serious health problems in an individual, according to a study conducted in 2010. It was seen that people who watched more than five hours of television a day were 40{967bf23b37ec6a673a83041540b3f904a815b4119ddf673afb961c1e7592ebdd} more likely to die from any health related issue– due to the sedentary lifestyle– rather than people who watched less than two hours of television each day. You can cut back a little each day– approximately an hour– and eliminate the chances of dying by 10{967bf23b37ec6a673a83041540b3f904a815b4119ddf673afb961c1e7592ebdd} and dying from cardiovascular disorders by 20{967bf23b37ec6a673a83041540b3f904a815b4119ddf673afb961c1e7592ebdd}.

3. Keep away from the sun’s gaze.

Staying away from too much sun exposure can prevent skin cancer, and can also keep you from getting aged too quickly by preventing and saggy skin, fine lines and wrinkles. If you have not been using sunscreen so far, it is never too late to add sunscreen to your skin care every day. Look out for an SPF of 35 and higher when choosing a sunscreen lotion. Spread sunscreen not just on the face, but also on your chest and neck as sun damage can cause splotches and spots in these areas and make you look aged.

4. Build a strong network.

Reaching out to family and friends not only spreads joy and happiness but also makes you live longer. According to research, individuals who do not have a wide network of friends or family stand at a greater chance of suffering from heart disease. Furthermore, it has been also seen that loneliness can result an inflammation of healthy tissues and can be just as hazardous as having high cholesterol levels or chain-smoking.

5. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Eating fewer than two servings of fruits and vegetables every day can cause serious health issues in the long run. Fruits and vegetables are nutritional powerhouses replete with essential fiber, vitamins and trace minerals that can help in lowering one’s risk of cardiovascular disorders by over 70{967bf23b37ec6a673a83041540b3f904a815b4119ddf673afb961c1e7592ebdd} and can also play a huge role in cutting down the risk of breast cancer. Another advantage to longevity, is that the antioxidants found in fruit and vegetables not only help in fighting inflammation and boosting the powers of circulation but can also help in delaying the advancement of facial wrinkles.

About the Author

Carol has written hundreds of articles on matters relating to health and fitness, helping people live a better life. She is an advisor to HCG Drops Shop that helps people lose weight in a healthy way.

I personally believe in 4 of these healthy living tips, except for #3. Vitamin D is SO important for our health, as I’ve blogged about in Screw Apples. Sunlight Works Better! Most sunscreens contain harmful chemicals and prevent us from the much needed vitamin D absorption to prevent many illnesses and diseased. What do you think?

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(c) Live Lighter | Healthy Lifestyle Blog – Read entire story here.