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6 Time Management Mistakes You’re Probably Making

All About Living With Life –

There’s never enough time in a day, especially if you’re making these six mistakes. Manage your time more effectively, and you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Workweek, calls it “time famine.” Your doctor calls it “dangerous levels of stress.” The ’80s band Rush called it “too many hands on my time.” Whatever label you put on the entrepreneurial trait of having more tasks than time, it’s a factor of almost every successful business life.
But it doesn’t have to be. Check your own daily schedule to see if you’re falling into one of these six time management traps.
Admit it. You have at least three tasks you hate doing that eat up too much of your time.

1. No Time To Train

Admit it. You have at least three tasks you hate doing that eat up too much of your time. The only reason you haven’t passed them on to a loyal minion is you can’t seem to find the time to train somebody else to do it. Make the time. Spending even a full day once beats nickle-and-diming your time every day for the next year.
Time Management Challenge: Hand off one task to a trusted employee by this time next month.

2. Multitasking

You might think you’re being more productive and look like you’re being more productive, but the research shows multitasking doesn’t work. It’s actually impossible—you can’t focus on two things at once but rather switch focus rapidly between jobs. Since it takes as much as 10 minutes to find your rhythm with any given task, multitasking means working at lower effectiveness all day long.
Time Management Challenge: Try focusing on a single task for 30 minutes before moving to the next. Compare the results to your multitasking norm.

3. Skipping Sleep

We all skip sleep from time to time to make a tight deadline or fix an emergency. It’s unavoidable, but resist the temptation to burn the midnight oil for tasks that aren’t urgent. Getting six hours of sleep instead of seven robs you of two-and-a-third to three hours’ worth of productivity in an eight-hour workday—longer if you’re pulling the 12-hour shifts of many business owners.
Time Management Challenge: Set a hard limit of seven hours of sleep per night, which means you stop working and start to wind down eight to nine hours before it’s time to get up.

Read more: 6 Time Management Mistakes You’re Probably Making

(c) All About Living With Life – Read entire story here.