Healthy Eating

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Weight Loss

7 Miles on a Sunday

[PSA: “like” my blog’s Facebook page to get tips and updates on my blog posts in your news feed.]

So I didn’t get a second gym workout last week like I’d hoped. My legs were pretty sore and, well, ya know. I had some valid reasons and some lame excuses and together they did me in. No matter, pick up and move on.

I had a sitter lined up for today so I could do my long run. That’s a really good way to make it happen. If I fail to plan, I’m planning to fail (to get my long run done). There was rain in the forecast but I’ve run in the rain before so I knew that wouldn’t stop me. I’ll take rain over wind any day. Though today I did get a tiny bit of wind it wasn’t enough to make me suffer. And no rain, just drizzle.

I did a loop that included a good sized hill, the Palmer hill, one I’ve written about a lot before because it’s so friggin’ steep! Here are some stats, the elevation profile and my splits. I’m so glad I did this run today, not just for the training but because it helps with how I feel about the eating.

My mom and M came for dinner on Friday evening. I’d baked a Velvety Spice Cake (from Joy of Cooking cookbook).

My mom brought over ice cream from a shop that makes it local, Apple Pie and Chocolate Grand Marnier…oh snap. Of course I would have been fine if I’d stuck with what I ate that night, but no, I got into the ice cream again last night. I’m not sure how much I ate but it was definitely more than I needed. So the run today helped me feel all is not lost. Oh, and I got up this morning and put the rest of the ice cream down the garbage disposal. Because I like myself more than I like ice cream.

Back to the run. The weather was drizzly and cool, I ran part of it on a trail so I got mud on me, which was kind of fun. I’ll close with a few pictures. As far as my overall eating, I’m doing about the same, which is somewhere between fair and meh. But I’m keeping an eye on my weight, doing what I can when I can, and staying positive. Anyway, here are my pics to share. Happy Sunday!!

Muddy shoes and ankles.
Post Run Smile.

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