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Road Trip Planning –

Before I get into the trip I’m planning with the boys, let me wrap my head around something.

This guy, The Baby, The Toddler, the one who made me a mom and changed my life forever, is turning SEVENTEEN on Tuesday!

I remember the day we took that picture. We were messing around with the photo booth on my old laptop. It was 2009, the year we put the house he was born in on the market. It would still be another two years before his brother was born (and at this time, I didn’t think I’d even go down the second child path!)

Time has been on warp speed since the moment he was born. Today he took the rest of his finals as he wraps up his junior year of High School. His “little” brother is also about to forever say goodbye to elementary school.

This morning a friend asked me at the gym how it felt to have a near-adult child. The question stopped me in my tracks. It’s a mix of emotions for sure, so many I can’t put them into words.

Anyway, next Wednesday (on his birthday), we are heading out for our annual Mother-Sons trip. He requested a road trip to Maine, and I was happy to oblige

I’ve been loosely planning a good old-fashioned road trip for a few weeks now. We will drive up to Rhode Island before heading to Maine and then take another route out through New Hamshire as we head home. I have three nights planned, and the rest we will play by ear.

I use a site called RoadTrippers, and you should be able to see our whole trip here.

My approach is to pick fun, cheesy stops for us to get out and explore. These trips are a combination of planned stops with a good amount of winging-it in the mix. We play it by ear and see how we feel on the road.

The ultimate goal of the tip is to spend uninterrupted time together as we explore the world.

We leave Wednesday, and I will post updates to IG for sure! I’ll also add an album to this blog post where I plan on documenting them for as long as they are willing to go with me.

I can’t wait!

In other news…

  • I’m taking this free course online and absolutely loving it.
  • I have a CrossFit-Style competition tomorrow at my gym, and I’m looking forward to it, even though my coaches are putting me in the Rx division. So, I’m going to get crushed.
  • I don’t have any students at the moment, but I’m in massive planning mode for the fall, and much like the course I’m taking, I’m having a blast designing new classes.
  • I hope to get back to sharing more food and cooking videos once we get back from our trip. I’ve been cooking but not sharing. There are just too many things going on.
  • And finally, It seems I have two artists on my hands! Both kids brought home amazing work from their art classes this year, and I love that we’ve fostered creativeness in them both. Check these out…
High School Clay Class
5th Grade Print

I’m so proud of their interest and craftsmanship. It’s fun to see your kids “into” things.

Anyway, I hope you had a fantastic week. It’s Friday, and the grill is calling my name!

Oh! And I forgot to say, if you have any recommendations or spots you think we should visit while we are up in the north, I’m all ears!

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