Healthy Eating

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Healthy Recipes

Rice Paper Spring Rolls

Leftover makeover…

I go through phases where my cooking strategy changes. As a busy graduate student in the States, new to running my own household, I would cook for the entire week over the weekend. I did this for several years. And then when Lion King and I set up a household together, we tried to pack in as many freshly cooked meals as possible. This was tough at times, given that I was still a super busy graduate student. But it wasn’t impossible. And it was a ton of fun to cook with/for someone who enjoyed a good home-cooked mean as much as I did. 

We try to cook just enough for us and may be a lunch for the next day. Every so often, there would be more leftover. Leftovers are generally great, but I like to change it up a little to make it more exciting. In this “leftover makeover” expedition, Lion King introduced me to rice paper. I never dreamed of making spring rolls at home as I had deemed it too complex. Boy, was I mistaken. Here’s how fun and easy they are to make. All you need is rice paper sheets and some water to add another level of deliciousness and transform your leftovers! Here goes – Rice Paper Spring Rolls 🙂


rice paper sheets called ‘Bahn Trang’ – available in the Asian food section of the grocery store


filling – leftover (or fresh) dry vegetable dish, stir fry, rice preparation; some suggestions below

dipping sauce of your choice

1. Fill a plate or large bowl with water at room temperature. 
2. Immerse one rice paper sheet into the water for about 10-15 seconds, take it out of the water, shake out the excess water and place it on another plate or clean working surface. The rice paper should have become pliable by now. If not, leave it on the working surface for a few more seconds.

3. Place the filling of your choice on the pliable rice paper. Like I said, you can really have fun with the fillings. Paneer dishes are my favorite. If you want to whip up something fresh quickly, i’d recommend a stir fry. If you are looking for a no cook recipe, you could go with a summery salad – thinly sliced carrots, mangoes, lettuce seasoned with mint or basil. 

4. Roll as shown in the pictures below.

Fresh and delicious Rice Paper Spring Rolls are ready! 

Serve fresh with a dipping sauce of your liking. Lion King is the dipping sauce expert in our house and comes up with a delicious concoction each time. Some common ingredients for the sauce include sweet chili sauce, soy sauce and ketch up.

I’ve made this for a number of parties since. They vanish in no time and everyone is convinced I have slaved no end to create them 😀 Love it!

To leftovers 😉

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