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2014: This is my year, This is FOR ME. Let’s Tri it!

I kept on telling myself to conquer my fears and try something I haven’t done before.  When I ballooned from 105 lbs to 160 lbs, I kept myself away from the world and found myself fuddling around the destructive path. I was depressed, oppressed, and hopeless. I felt ugly, useless and weak. It was a feeling I have never thought I’d ever become BUT one fortunate day, I just conquered my fears and told myself “Screw it!”

On 2010, I tried Surfing. I met new friends whom I have never felt nor ever seen who I was then. It was rejuvenating plus add the stoked feeling you get every each time you get that wave and end up with a long ride. That same year, I went back to running and trained for a mile, pikermi until I was able to finish my very first Marathon – The Bull Runner Dream Marathon.

I have always wanted to swim, bike and run. It felt daunting. Well, it really is.  Imagine having to accomplish three disciplines in one event?

From having to meet runners who has graduated and hopped into the triathlon discipline, I was left behind and got stuck. Worse, I was asked to stop from whatever that I was doing as I was diagnosed with Polycistic Ovaries Syndrom (PCOS); I had to get to know my body and not feed it with activities that may cause stress.

I thought I was cool not having my menstrual cycle for year, but turned out, It caused more aches. I had the constant migraines, I was gaining more fat despite running. I tried swimming but after a few swimming lessons, I was told that as much as swimming does good to my body, it actually stops my ovulation — you know when the red sea is about to happen yet you’re under the pool, it stops? That one.

I resorted to Yoga and fell in love with it. I got myself certified for Kids Yoga to test the waters. It felt surreal and fun, I practice at least 7 minutes at home.

Last year was transformational for me. I never thought that I would be lead back to the wanting to Tri. I was gifted with the opportunity to get to know the triathlon world by organizing the Subic Fitness Festival – Subic Invitational Triathlon 2013 which was a preview of the Challenge Philippines course. It was daunting yet extremely inspiring.

This 2014, I had to face the fear and hop in. I needed a challenge that I could overcome so that I’d be able to regain the strength that I could do anything I put my mind into. I needed that high I used to have the very first time I stood on that surf board, cross the finish line after a gruesome 42k and finally say, I have conquered and managed with my courage and faith.

Fighting Polyscistic Ovaries Syndrome, with proper and gradual training — I’ll make it. I figured, it’s not about the activities but it’s more about nutrition, and habits I do to and for my body.

As I begin to heal myself before I get into the cycle of self-destruction; rustling through self-help books and renewing my faith; together with my inspirational acquaintances and friends, I know I can make it.  In search for that feeling, I signed up for my very first Sprint.

This is my year. This is FOR ME.


Join me as I document my journey through my RUNAHOLICS LifestyleFit facebook, twitter, Instagram #kasfit #tritales and here on my blog.