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10 Small Acts Of Kindness You Can Practice Daily

All About Living With Life – 10 Small Acts Of Kindness You Can Practice Daily

The Dalai Lama famously said, “My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.”
Whether you’re religious or not, kindness can go a long way toward improving your overall state of mind and sense of happiness. Here are ways that you can practice kindness in your daily lives:
1. Ask your roommate or neighbor how they’re doing.
Maybe they need someone to talk to, maybe they feel alone or maybe they just wanted someone to ask them that simple question. It might mean a lot to them.
2. Smile at a cashier or vendor.
When you work long hours interacting with the public, you often come into contact with less-than-pleasant people. A simple smile can improve a worker’s day immensely.
3. Tip at least 20{967bf23b37ec6a673a83041540b3f904a815b4119ddf673afb961c1e7592ebdd}.
If you have the money to go out and have dinner, you can spare a bit extra to leave a decent tip. While money isn’t the cure for sadness, an extra couple of bucks might help out with a metro card or a phone bill. You never know when your generosity will be needed.
4. Compliment yourself!
Your love comes from the inside and is shared to others. The only way that you can trulyspread love to others is by loving yourself first.
5. Offer a friend an ear just to listen.
Yes, just listen! Your friend might not need to hear what you have to say. They might need you to just sit and listen without judgment or criticism.

Read more: 10 Small Acts Of Kindness You Can Practice Daily

(c) All About Living With Life – Read entire story here.