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A Beginner’s Guide to Loving Nature in Spring

This is a step by step guide to finding a way to notice and love nature this spring. Why, you’d ask… because by noticing nature, even for a couple of minutes each day helps you hear your inner voice and little by little, as each day goes by you become a more real you.This, on the other hand will help you live a more authentic life, to be more productive, more creative and calm.

So, why don’t you start this spring?

Open your window. Listen to the noises outside. Even if you’re in the busiest of cities you will hear a nature sound – birds chirping dogs barking, the wind, even waves if you’re lucky.

A Beginner's Guide to Loving Nature in Spring

Nothing? Play a YouTube video with nature sounds on your headset. I did a quick search for you, here are the results.  That will even help you work better after the designated couple of minutes. You will instantly be transferred to the forest, a meadow, or the fields, depending on your choice.

A Beginner's Guide to Loving Nature in Spring

Stop thinking about anything except for what you’re hearing. Exclude your worries, shut down your eyes and absorb the sounds. It will be hard at first because city life may have turned you numb for nature and overly sensitive to achievement and competition but with time you will manage to go back to loving nature.

Whether you’re driving or walking, don’t hurry. Move slowly and try to notice all little nature details. Look down to the ground and kneel next to the flower you see. Smell it. touch it gently, feel the ground, last year’s leaves that are covering it, the fresh new grass. Be quiet and observing. 

A Beginner's Guide to Loving Nature in Spring

Stop by a tree, look at its blooming branches and tiny green leaves, touch it. Hold your hand on the bark and forget your worries. You will feel some resistance at first. You will probably find it stupid or childish but ignore those thoughts. Try to do this every day for a week and you will find yourself in a better shape.

A Beginner's Guide to Loving Nature in Spring

Look up to the crown of the tree, you will hear and see a whole universe, a colony of bees, flies and butterflies having a feast on the tree’s blooms. Hush… Listen to the buzz. There is a different life than going to and from work. There is a slow life, in tune with nature and you can live it. If you want to.

A Beginner's Guide to Loving Nature in Spring

Those of you who feel brave enough and are willing to expand their communication with nature and converse with the trees, please read this post by +James Clair Lewis who taught me that you can communicate not just with the bees but with the trees as well.

A Beginner's Guide to Loving Nature in Spring

Spring is the best time to sparkle a new love to nature. Try it, you don’t know where it will lead you but I promise it’s a good place. 

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