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Animal News You Can Use: Prop 2, Smart Cows, and Jessica Chastain!

Ten years ago, ag-funded researchers tried to mislead voters about California’s Prop 2 farm animal protection ballot measure. This time around, former state senator Dean Florez warns them not to try it again in a must-read Sacramento Bee column. (As well, here’s a new paper I was honored to coauthor with colleagues Sara Shields and Andrew Rowan on the advancement of farm animal protections.)

If you’ve ever wondered how to make healthy smoothies taste better, whether clean meat will succeed, or how animals may gain greater legal protections, I was glad to explore these questions and more in a new Thought for Food podcast. Check it out!

One of those ways animals may gain more protections involves helping others see just how intelligent they actually are. Newsweek explores cattle minds this week and asks provoking questions about the implications of the field of bovine cognition.

Finally, did you love Jessica Chastain in The Martian and Interstellar? Me too! Well, you’ll love her even more now after reading this People profile on her work for animals and with HSUS.

Video of the week: You’ve never hugged a cow?

Paul Shapiro, Vice President of Policy Engagement, The Humane Society of the United States

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