Healthy Eating

The best recipes, advice and products for a healthy lifestyle!


4 Common Myths About Low-Impact Exercise

One type of workout most people don’t consider until they’re injured or have joint issues is low-impact workouts. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to jump to get an intense workout. Here are four myths about low-impact exercise dispelled.

Good Fats Versus Bad Fats: The Problem With Vegetable Oils

You need a certain amount of fat in your diet but it’s important to choose your fats wisely. For years, vegetable oils have been promoted as a healthier alternative. This article discusses vegetable oils, how they’re processed and why they may not be as healthy as believed.

What’s Better for Post-Exercise Soreness – Massage or Exercise?

What’s better for post-exercise soreness or DOMS – massage or exercise? Find out what a study shows and whether you should keep exercising when your muscles are sore. You’ll also discover what exercises are best.

Benefits of Nuts: Why Nuts Top the List of Longevity Foods

Do you munch on nuts? Nuts are loaded with antioxidants, fiber, healthy fats and protein. Even more compelling is the fact they may lower your risk for overall mortality and your chance of getting some chronic diseases. Find out what nuts deserve their status as a longevity food.

Is Going Low-Carb the Best Way to Get Lean?

Thinking about cutting back on dietary carbs to get leaner? Doing so could actually work against you, especially if you exercise. Find out why carb restricted diets and workouts, especially resistance-training workouts, don’t mix and why a selective carb diet works better.

5 Surprising Facts About Your Blood Pressure

Did you know high blood pressure contributes to almost one out of six deaths in the United States alone? Discover five other things you should know about your blood pressure but probably don’t. You’ll also discover natural ways to lower your blood pressure.

Can Exercise Lower Your Risk for Sudden Death?

There’s no doubt that exercise lowers your risk for heart disease – but what about sudden death due to an abnormal heart rhythm? Despite the fact that people occasionally drop dead during exercise, research suggests exercise may actually make you more resistant to heart rhythms that lead to sudden death. Find out how.

Lost Cathe’s Chapters on Your iPhone?

When Apple released iOS 7 last year, the ability to use chapters in Cathe’s downloadable videos seemed to have disappeared. While partially true, there is an easy solution to re-enable the use of chapters. For some reason, Apple decided to classify any non-iTunes movies as “Home Movies” in iOS 7, and also disabled the use of chapters for home movies. To fix this, you need to go back into iTunes to instruct the video player to see Cathe’s workouts as regular movies again. Here is the step-by-step guide for accomplishing tha


Most quinoa recipes are savory, and this Amazing quinoa fruit salad is a refreshing twist with the added mint For Spring

Eggland’s Best, No Ordinary Egg

How much do you really know about eggs? You certainly know how versatile they are, and that they can be served at just about any meal. You enjoy them as part of your breakfast, for lunch, and even for dinner. It can likely be said that every refrigerator in the country, contains at least one carton of eggs. The reason for this is simply that eggs are extremely affordable. What many of us may not know is that eggs are not just delicious and versatile, but their health benefits are numerous, and Eggland´s Best sets the bar on all counts.