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Crabby McSlacker

Giveaway: Rick Hanson’s Hardwiring Happiness and The FBG’s Anti-Diet Book!

Rick Hanson Hardwiring Happinessfit bottom girls anti dietBy Crabby McSlacker

So today we have a giveaway featuring 3 copies of each of these fine books…

So SIX Winners!

Plus the giveaway includes Canadians!

And yeah, this is the weirdest blog post formatting ever, and I shudder to think what happens on a mobile phone, but I couldn’t figure out any other way to not put one book “on top” and the other “below.”

Both are well-written helpful books by writers I’m already quite fond of: The “Fit Bottomed Girls,” (Jennipher Walters and Erin Whitehead), and Rick Hanson.  So it would bug me not to treat them equally–even though I know the authors themselves don’t give a f… um, fig! who goes on top.

At first glance these titles might seem to have nothing to do with one another. So one might wonder why on earth I’ve combined them for this giveaway.  (Aside from the fact they have the same publisher, which I did NOT know until after I already decided to put them together.)

But there’s actually something interesting they have in common:

It’s The Whole Mind vs Body Thing!

Ostensibly, The Fit Bottomed Girls Anti-Diet is about how to improve your Body.

Jack LaLanne
Photo: wikipedia

While Hardwiring Happiness is about how to improve your Mind.

photo: wikipedia

But what I love about these authors is that they, like clever Cranky Fitness readers, are hip to the fact that the whole Mind/Body division is a false dichotomy. Right?

The Fit Bottomed Girls do not approach “getting the body you love” as many so many diet/fitness books do: solely as a series of things to eat or not eat, and a list of exercises to do or not do.  They emphasize all the mental aspects of healthy living, from motivation to self acceptance to avoiding self-defeating behaviors to bonding with others.

And likewise, Rick Hanson’s approach to rewiring your brain to achieve greater happiness and peace of mind is so powerful in large part because he incorporates basic physiology into his explanations and simple practices.  When you can actually appreciate the ways that changing your thoughts and behaviors can change your body’s chemistry and your brain’s very structure, it offers a much more grounded, science-based framework for embarking on psychological self-improvement. (Which can help you feel much less like an ass if you tend to feel self-conscious when embarking on any woo-woo personal growth stuff).

Anyway, to get a little more specific:

The Fit Bottomed Girls ANTI-DIET Book:

Some of the many reasons you might want to read this book:

  • There are a LOT of great ideas for how to be more fit and healthy, improve your body image, and live a more balanced life.
  • Much of this advice can help you lose weight if that’s a goal, but it never feels like a restrictive, bossy, scoldy “diet” or “weight loss” book.
  • The steps are broken down into 10 minute fixes so you can pick and choose where to focus and not get totally overwhelmed.
  • The tips and discussions are all based on either science or common sense. So you can actually trust what you read and not find yourself rolling your eyes at crazypants notions or insanely unrealistic advice.
  • The focus is positive and empowering.
  • But there is a lot of acknowledgement of the real challenges and difficulties involved in changing old habits, and there are tons of real-life practical strategies that can help.

And guess what?  The book is not officially launched yet, and doesn’t go on sale ’til May, so if you win, you will get to read an advance copy! You will be first on your block!

“Uncorrected Proof! Not for Sale!” How sexy is that? 

But if you don’t win, consider pre-ordering the Anti-Diet book because you get a bonus free thing! The FBGs “Little Book of 10-Minute Fixes and Recipes.”

Rick Hanson’s Hardwiring Happiness

Hardwiring Happiness is one you definitely want in your library! A few reasons:

  • More happiness, contentment, calm and confidence? What’s not to like?
  • There is a solid scientific foundation for all of the suggestions and practices, so you can feel reassured you are not dealing with some screwy new-age nutball, but rather with a respected authority in neuropsychology.
  • Yet all the sciencey things are explained and translated in a very approachable way and feel very common sense and graspable.
  • There are lots of specific, simple practices to choose from. You can dabble or dive in!
  • Rick writes beautifully, and incorporates many real life examples you can relate to. Plus he has a sense of humor about his own challenges and foibles and does not come across like some “I’ve got all the answers” a–hole.
  • There is no pretense that this is all easy or quick, and sometimes Rick can almost read your mind in terms of anticipating obstacles, objections, and potential slackitude.
  • The book made the NY Times best-seller list, and there’s a reason for that.

But probably most importantly:

This stuff really works.

I know because I’ve been following Rick for a few years now.

My Go-To Geek Guru

And while I’m still a quirky cranky contentious creature, I am WAY happier as a result of taking his advice and working hard (well, for a McSlacker) at the practices he suggests.

And also, before we get to the giveaway stuff a quick nod to… Books for Better Living which I discovered through the publisher of both these fine books.  It’s not just a marketing vehicle, and in fact is extremely quiet about any books that might be available by some of their knowledgeable contributors. But it has some really useful content on meditation, fitness, food, relationships, happiness etc., so check it out!

Giveaway Rules:

Has anyone ever noticed I run the weirdest giveaways on the web?  If sponsors are silent on details, I like to rig things to encourage both random fly-by commenters but also, if I have multiple copies, sneakily rig things to favor those who actually put some effort into the whole commenting process, either in this post or in general. I do that by creating a small pool of finalists based on merit, and then randomly choose from that pool.

Note: this extremely generous giveaway could be horribly humiliating if I have more book copies than entrants! I rarely get more than a couple dozen comments on giveaways anymore, and that often includes me pumping it up.

So, here’s the deal:

1. One copy of each book will be given totally at random, so if you just put down any kind of comment, you can win.

But additionally…

2. One copy of each book will be set aside for those who report some sort of sharing activity–twitter, facebook etc.  While this sharing slightly decreases your chances of random winning if it brings in more entrants, it hugely boosts your overall odds of winning because almost NO ONE ever bothers to do this and you will be in a very small subgroup!

3. And finally, one copy of each book will set aside for those who put some thought into their comment and let me know why they’d want a free copy of the book.

Giveaway winners will be announced a week from today, on Weds the 26th (which, holy crap, is the day I take off on the first leg of my trip, yikes!) based on comments made by sometime Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning.

Are any of you guys working on your Body or your Mind or Both? Wanna Free Book?

Three Annoying Questions for Gigi of Gigi Eats Celebrities!

Interview By Crabby McSlacker

Our next victim for “3 Annoying Questions” is the hilariously healthy Gigi at Gigi Eats Celebrities. Her videos and blog posts on celebrity diets, fitness trends, and other aspects of healthy or deranged living are so fun and informative that we can almost forgive her for being all gorgeous and talented and clearly destined to be a big-time celebrity herself. So please welcome Gigi as she bravely fields Crabby’s “3 Annoying Questions!”

Ready Gigi?

1. Which celebrity would you currently most like to eat and why?

For the obvious reasons (well to me at least) I would adore the chance to sink my teeth into Ryan Reynolds. I mean, his lean muscle mass would be the perfect fuel.

photo: wikipedia

We all know protein is necessary in any diet, so let me grab my bib and then head on over to the TMZ headquarters so I can get an exact on his location!

2. What was the most atrocious experiment you ever undertook for the sake of your fans?

It’s a toss up between bungee jumping into a pool full of molasses and falling off an elephant while trying to balance a pumpkin on my head. Okay, just kidding… However, if my little web show gets a bigger budget, these scenarios could turn into reality!

But since I am working within my means at this current point in time, I think I am going to have to offend Coolio. Sorry “gangsta in paradise” but… The “Coolio tricked out tilapia,” was not so good… I assume it would taste like Lindsey Lohan if you smothered her in tomato sauce and beer.

Maybe I can blame the cod I substituted for the tilapia, since, if you watched my video, that fish is the mirror image of Courtney Love on drugs. That being said, the recipe did make for a good video, and Coolio’s music will forever be pure and utter genius to me!

By the way, my favorite quote by the rapper turned “chef”:

“My mom’s fried chicken would literally put on tennis shoes and run the f*** into your mouth.”

Coolio, you need to work on making yo mama proud!

3. Did you ever have any of your videos go horribly awry, and if so are there any humiliating links or outtakes?

I find it to be quite a compliment that you don’t think the videos I post are just compilations of outtakes! I am definitely not a one shot Sally over here… My neighbors can attest to this. I honestly believe they think I am hexa-polar (aka: have 6 personalities) and you know what? At this point, I don’t think I could defend myself against their beliefs!

While I never get embarrassed, I have to say my shoving a heaping spoonful of turmeric into my wide-open trap was pretty horrific. I would not even force my worst enemy (if I had any) into such torture. For some reason though, I did not film what erupted after I tried to swallow. The cinnamon challenge has nothing on the turmeric challenge video.

Thanks so much Gigi!  So anyone want say hi to Gigi or any of her six personalities?  

Strange Adventures and Assorted Announcements

By Crabby McSlacker

So Happy Saint Patricks Day!  Although aside from a green shirt that makes an appearance in a photo or two, I’m afraid we’re not doing much on that theme today.

This post is partly about seeking out “adventure!” But, if you are an anxious person, fear not. I haven’t changed my opinion that there is absolutely nothing wrong with embracing your comfort zone, and staying way the hell away from “adventures” other people suggest if they seem too risky or otherwise unappealing.

However, there is still a lot of excitement and novelty to be had in the world from within your comfort zone.  And in fact, scooching up right to the edges of it can keep life interesting and keep your world from shrinking into something drab and confining and boring.

So how do you find an adventure that’s right for you?

Some people are up for anything, but others of us are most decidedly not.

 No Thanks!
Planet Comics cover: wikipedia

Ideally, you’d probably like to seek out opportunities that are novel but don’t totally scare the crap out of you, or carry too high a risk of untimely death or dismemberment, or cost so much you have to sell your children into slavery, or require you to hang out with disturbed, dangerous, obnoxious or horribly tedious people for prolonged periods of time.

Which, alas, rules a lot of stuff out.

You may be relieved to discover I’m not gonna offer up any specific advice about this, because it’s all so subjective.  What’s a “fun adventure” for some people qualify as a “horrifying nightmare” for others.

So how about I just plant the idea to keep your eyes and your mind open to Adventurous Opportunities, both little and big?  Plus maybe a little show and tell before I meander on down to the Announcements.

Little Adventure:

This last weekend there was a St. Patricks day thingy at the park and we went to hear some music. Which kinda sucked so we wandered away from the stage.  But guess what they had there?

I’d seen these before, and even though tiny toddlers jump right on, I hadn’t quite mustered up the nerve to try it myself.  I’m a total coward when it comes to rides or slides, or anything that involves being flung, spun, tossed, flipped, hurled, or dropped from high elevations.

But this looked somewhat approachable and like it could be fun! So with some trepidation, because that’s how I approach anything I haven’t done before…

I threw caution to the wind!

First I got up-close and personal with the careful carney while he tried very hard not to do anything untoward while fastening the harness around my waist and between my legs…

 (He was cute too, which in my case was kind of a waste.)
…and then I grinned at my gal, so in case I died in a tragic bungee trampoline freak accident she’d have a recent photo for the memorial service…

And away I went, whee!

Though I gotta say, it took a fair amount of effort to keep going up and down and up and down and I ultimately found the “Work” to “Whee!” ratio a bit too high for any fantasies of a home version. But it turned out not to be the least bit scary and I was glad to have given it a shot.

Upcoming Bigger Adventure (Please Don’t Hate Me! OK, Yeah, Actually You Can).

So you know how when something really awesome happens to someone who hasn’t done anything at all virtuous to deserve it, you can have complicated feelings about it?

Like noticing that maybe you work hard and do the right things and no one is selling you a winning lotto ticket or giving you a surprise bonus or even cutting you two minutes slack when your parking meter expires? And yet someone you know who seems to do nothing but loaf around for a living announces yet another upcoming trip?

You might be thinking “WTF? That bitch is going off yet again on the vacation I SHOULD BE GOING ON godddamn it!” even as you are saying “wow, so happy for you, that’s great, be sure to take tons of pictures!

Well, um, in that spirit … it does seem as though the Lobster and I are heading off for another fortuitous adventure.  Where to this time?

Here’s a hint:

Sheena cover: wikipedia
And here’s another one:

(I will spare you the shots of Cipro and Malaria pills as well the cute smiley bandaids we had on our arms from our Hep A and Tetanus/Diptheria etc shots).

Yep, we are going to Africa, or well, South Africa which is perhaps not as adventurous as some other African destinations but whatever. We’re spending a week in Cape Town and 3 days on Safari in Kruger National Park.

What I would find even more annoying, if I weren’t the one getting to go, is that this is an all-expense-paid corporate swankfest, complete with Business/First class flights and fine dining and upscale hotels and lodges and wine tasting and tours and shit like that.

Photo: Lion Sands

And what did I have to do to get in on this deal? Slave away for years and save up money? Compete in some incredibly selective contest and win a big prize?

Nah, I just married the most awesome gal in the world who happens to be a corporate go-getter. Well, somebody had to do it.

Note: it will be interesting to see what the folks in this Texas-based company will make of the big ol’ dykey wife of the only female executive on the leadership team, especially during the dressy parts of the adventure.  As an introvert, and as a female who can not walk in a pair of high heels without a pratfall, who does not wear make-up, and who carries a purse as gracefully as someone taking a bulging bag of soiled cat litter out to the trash, I suspect the “fitting in” and “schmoozing” parts may prove a little challenging.

Plus, I have made great headway in my flying phobia… but yikes, LOTS of opportunities for turbulence and there will be… shudder… small aircraft involved.

But, well,  adventure is the spice of life, right?

Not This Spicy Though, I’m Hoping
Photo: X-ray Delta One

And Now, onto the Announcements!

Cranketeers–Any of You Up for a Guest Post?

With the South Africa thing, the long-ass flights involved, plus a few days stopover in the always exotic Frisco Texas, I’ll be mostly spotty on the blogging from March 26th through April 11th.

If you have something to contribute, especially if it includes a few pictures, this would be an excellent time to give it a whirl, and I would be exceedingly grateful! My email is crabby mcslacker at gmail dot com.

Stay Tuned for an Awesome Giveaway this Week!

It’s coming on Wednesday, open to Canadians too, and contains a very generous SIX prizes, so chances of winning are excellent.  We’re talking 3 copies each of two great books, Rick Hanson’s “Hardwiring Happiness” as well as “The Fit Bottom Girl’s Anti-Diet Book.” You will be hearing much more about both of them on Wednesday, so be sure to stop by!

Radio show!

This looks fun: the Fun and Fit gals are launching thier “Active Aging for Boom Chicka Boomers” on this coming Weds, March 19 LIVE 8-9am PDT (11 EDT). (It will also be rebroadcast and converted to podcasts in case you have some trivial excuse for missing it, like not getting fired from a job that feeds your family).

The topic: “Let’s Start at the Middle! Show Intro plus Midlife Weight Gain: What Can You Do About Hormones, Menopause, and Menopot?

Guest expert is Tamara Grand, whom you may know from her excellent blog Fitknitchick!

Here’s the VoiceAmerica link, check it out!  But beware, sound plays immediately or at least it did for me, so turn your speakers down if you are sharing workspace and not wearing headphones.

So, any thoughts about Adventures or Anything else this fine Saint Patrick’s Day?