Healthy Eating

The best recipes, advice and products for a healthy lifestyle!

Davey Wavey

Nutrition Tip: You Eat What You Buy.

You’ve probably heard someone say, “Out of sight, out of mind.” The meaning behind this idiom is simple. If you don’t see or hear about something, you’ll stop thinking about it. And when applied to nutrition, this strategy can prove extremely powerful. If your pantry, cupboards and refrigerator are stocked with unhealthy options like chips, […]

Lift Before Cardio – Or After?

One of the most frequently asked and most often debated fitness questions is whether it’s better to lift before or after cardio. And now, a recent study is shedding new light on the discourse. First things first, we know that it’s important to do both cardio and strength training. Both types of exercise offer unique […]

How to Get Abs Like the Movie 300.

Dear Davey, I’m a big fan of the movie 300 and I’m excited to see the new sequel. I’ve always been really envious of the actors’ bodies and especially their six pack abs, and I was wondering what their secret is? From, Ben Hey Ben, The chiseled, strong, oiled bodies of the men in 300 […]

Is Sea Salt Healthier Than Table Salt?

Sea salt and table salt are different in a number of ways. For example: Sea salt is usually unprocessed and is created through the evaporation of seawater. Table salt is usually mined and undergoes processing for easier use in recipes. Sea salt contains trace levels of minerals like calcium, potassium and magnesium. The minerals in […]

Turn “Cheat Days” in “Treat Days”…

Today’s guest post is by Davey Wavey’s good friend and spiritual weight release coach, Diane Petrella. Diane is also one of the contributors to The Davey Wavey Weight Loss Program. I sometimes hear people say they eat a healthy diet most every day and then designate a “cheat” day to eat foods they normally avoid. […]

Watching Adult Content Helps Your Workout.

This is the study for which you’ve been waiting. According to researchers, watching adult videos before working out can improve athletic performance. And we’re not just talking about stronger forearms. For the study, researchers showed various types of video clips to male athletes and then studied their testosterone levels and performance. Clips that were erotic, […]

Don’t Reward Yourself with Food.

Food is not a reward; you are not a dog. Even so, the practice of using food as reward is very common – particularly as people work to achieve their fitness and nutrition goals. Having a good workout could mean treating yourself to a cookie. Taking an afternoon walk could translate to a slice of […]

Is Alkaline/Ionized Water Better?

With $21 billion spent on bottled water in the United States in 2012, you’d never guess that we have (for the most part) safe and clean drinking water. The latest water trend to make waves (pun intended) is alkaline or ionized water. Let’s dive a bit deeper. Alkaline water has a higher pH than regular […]

Here’s The New Nutrition Label: 5 Things That Are Different.

The food packaging labels are about to get their first face lift in 20 years, thanks to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The changes, announced in a press conference with Michelle Obama, reflect that latest data and scientific findings on nutrition and the links between diet and various diseases. At first glance, the […]

5 Fitness Habits to Drop NOW!

Going to the gym is a great habit to create. But not everything that people do at the gym helps to support their fitness goals. Here are five common fitness habits that are good to break. Using the elliptical. If you’re new to the gym or have injuries that prevent you from engaging in a […]

Video: Don’t Screw Where You Lift.

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times: Don’t screw where you lift. After all, a good gym is hard to find – but a hard guy is easy to find. Check out my new video.

Is Turkey Bacon Healthier?

Mmmm. Bacon. Just saying the word makes my mouth water. Of course, we all know that bacon is high in calories and unhealthy fats. As such, many people have made the switch to healthier-sounding turkey bacon. When we think turkey, we think a more nutritional alternative to fattier meats. But does this logic hold true […]

Study: Exercise Helps Work-Life Balance.

Everyone knows that exercise is good for your mind. And most of us know that exercise helps the brain, too. But a fascinating new study shows that exercise can help balance out conflicts in life – like the push and pull of work and family life. The study, which will be published in an upcoming […]

How To Get a Thick Neck.

Sure, a strong, thick neck can look great. But it’s also a great way to help guard against injury and enhance performance. First, it’s worth noting that proper form and supervision is an absolute must. If your necks becomes overstressed and strained, the training can be counterproductive or even dangerous. It’s important to work with […]

Do You Want Nutrition Information on Menu Boards?

If you knew the doughnut you were about to order had 480 calories and 13 grams of saturated fat, would you still order it? Maybe. But according to a new Canadian study, maybe not. The study, which is due to be completed this month, examined the impact of publishing nutrition information directly on menu boards. […]