Healthy Eating

The best recipes, advice and products for a healthy lifestyle!

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Ginger for Recovery from Kidney Disease

Having a daughter that suffers from Kidney disease means that I have done a lot of research into the causes and effects of different alternative therapies for Kidney disease. Sadly, for us this is not an issue as Taylor has inherited a bad gene from both my wife and I so most therapies would not […]

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What are the Guidelines for Dietary Fats?

We are always told to cut back on our dietary fats but there seems to be a problem with the research, It doesn’t seem to support this. Over at Medpage Today there is an article that is a study or studies. It seems that out of 27 randomized controlled trials (That means the researchers were […]

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Is HealthBook Apples First Fitness Tracker?

I have had an iPhone and an iPad for three years or so and just like any other fitness person I have used my iphone for tracking speed and mileage for walking and running. I used the Runkeeper app a lot last Summer in getting ready for the Kidney March. Well there was a leak […]

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Breakfasts of The World

I share my breakfasts a lot on this blog. Usually for the last few months it has been oatmeal with seeds and nuts and fried cranberries but in the past I used to have a bagel with Nutella. On the weekends I might have an omelette or a smoothie. The important thing to me though […]

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Glucosamine Doesn’t Help Bad Knees?

I have always heard that Glucosamine is a very good help for knee and back problems but there is a new study that may cast some doubt on that. The study, reported today in a paper for Arthritis & Rheumatology shows that there is no difference, or at least not a significant difference between a control […]

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Does Conjugated Linoleic Acid Work?

Conjugated linoleic acid is a natural substance found in many of our foods that according to many studies can reduce fat and improve muscle mass in the body. Taken as a supplement with no change in eating or exercise habits, it would not make you lose weight but it could help you lose fat. It […]

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Food additives and ADD in kids

As the parent of two young kids I am always aware of the drugs being pushed on parents to treat ADD and the fact that in the past no kids were using Adderall or Ritalin or even Prozac.  Some people think that may of the problems assicated with ADD and ADHD are caused by food […]

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Facts on Fiber

Fiber is one of those things that we are told to eat mroe of yet there should be some confusion. Not all fiber is alike. Most Americans know that foods high in fiber are full of nutrients because they are less processed. There are two kinds of dietary fiber and you need both. Two Types […]

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Calcium Needs and Requirements

Calcium, the most abundant mineral in the body, is found in some foods, added to others, available as a dietary supplement, and present in some medicines (such as antacids). Calcium has many important jobs. The body stores more than 99 percent of its calcium in the bones and teeth to help make and keep them […]

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Babys born today to live to 100?

We see advances in medical science every day and every year there are changes to health and medicine that radically help people now, so what can a baby born today expect as a lifespan? More than half of the babies born today in developed countries will live to be 100, and the extended lifespan will […]

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Bicep Workout Mistakes You Must Avoid

So you are a novice in workouts and someone just suggested bicep workout to you. On one hand you don’t know how to do it and on the other, you are too shy to approach the experts for help. You are not alone. There are lots of people who don’t like to ask “silly” questions […]

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Antioxidant Supplements

A key ingredient to improving your lifestyle and living a healthy life is antioxidants. There are several antioxidant supplements out there that can help you live a healthy life, that are natural and won’t cause you any damage. You can also eat different types of food that contain antioxidants as well, although supplements are the […]

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How to begin a weightlifting routine

So you have decided it is time to begin a weightlifting routine. That pale, hollow chest and those skinny arms are to be transformed. Congratulations! You can get started right away – at least, right after you read these golden rules so that you know what you should and should not do. Health check If […]

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Avoid Prostate Cancer By Drinking Pomegranate Juice

The second-most fatal cancer for men after lung cancer, prostrate cancer may well be tamed by the humblest of juices, suggests a new study published in this week’s issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that tested the efficacy of the red pomegranate juice on mice. The gaining in popularity health drink […]

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Are Eggs Good for You?

I don’t care what the fringe says, eggs are good for you. I really enjoy making scrambled eggs and toast for me and the kids on a Saturday morning but I have always been careful not to eat to many eggs because you know, we have always heard that they are bad for the heart…or are […]

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