Healthy Eating

The best recipes, advice and products for a healthy lifestyle!

Laruga Glaser

Workshop Journal: Athens, Greece

Last weekend I traveled to Athens, Greece for the second time conducting an Ashtanga yoga workshop. I loved the Greek people and the country before and this second time it only reaffirmed my experience and love for this amazing place. Of course the lan…

You Are Not Broken

Friend, from the very beginning, you were not broken. 

You were not born into sin. You were not destined for the spiritual garbage heap. There was never anything fundamentally missing from your life. 

You just thought that there was. Others tried to convince you that you were not good enough, because they too felt not good enough. In your innocence, and with no evidence to the contrary, you believed them. So you spent all those years trying to fix, purify and perfect yourself. You sought power, wealth, fame and even enlightenment to prove your worth as a ‘me’. You compared yourself to other versions of ‘me’, and always felt inferior or superior, and it all became so exhausting, trying to reach those unreachable goals, trying to live up to some image that you didn’t even fully believe in anyway, and you longed for the deep rest of yourself.  

But you were always perfect, you see, from the very beginning. Perfect in your total imperfection. Your imperfections, your quirks, your flaws, your weirdnesses, your unique and irreplaceable flavours, were what made you so loveable, so human, so real, so relatable. Even in your imperfection, you were always a perfect expression of life, a beloved child of the universe, a complete work of art, unique in all the world and deserving of all the riches of life.  

It was never about being a perfect ‘me’. It was always about being perfectly Here, perfectly yourself, in all your divine strangeness.  

“Forget your perfect offering”, Leonard Cohen sings. “There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” 

(Jeff Foster)

The Guru


The one who makes you laugh until your stomach hurts and you snort like a pig is your guru. 

The one who brings tears to your eyes, the one who makes you weep your secrets out, is your guru. 

The one who challenges you, triggers old pain in you, makes you face your deepest fears and longings, helps you tell the truth, is your guru. 

Every breath is your guru. Every beat of the heart. Every sound. The morning breeze caressing your cheek is your guru. 

The car that won’t stop, the missed opportunity, the broken promise, the shattered glass, these are all your gurus. 

The ones you love, the ones who frustrate you like anything, the ones who bore you to tears, the ones you don’t want to remember, they are your gurus too. 

This entire life, so fleeting, so present, so rich with blessings, is your guru. 

You can go seek your guru in an ashram in India, but the true ashram is where you stand. 

You can go find your authority in a cave on a mountaintop, but, friend, if you look deeply into the present, you will find you are already there. Presence is closer than the next breath. 

The Kingdom is spread out over the earth, waiting for open eyes. 

(Jeff Foster)

Enlightenment Is Not A Destination

There is no fixed path to enlightenment. 

Enlightenment is not a goal, the resting place at the end of a long journey -that’s the mind’s version of enlightenment. 

Enlightenment is the lighting up of where you are right now.   

This is very good news. It means that nobody is the authority on your path – no teacher, no guru, no religious leader. It means that nobody can tell you the right ‘way’ for you. It means that you cannot go wrong, even if you think you’ve gone wrong. It means that nothing that happens can ever lead you off the path, for the path is whatever happens, without exception. Nothing can take you away from the miracle of life, or bring you closer to it for that matter, since the miracle is all around, already shining brightly, as every thought, sensation, image, feeling, smell, sound, and as the deeper miracle of the one who is aware of all of this.  

Be the awareness, shining on the moment, whatever its contents. Doubt, fear, sadness, anger, intense confusion – maybe, just maybe, these are neither enemies nor blocks to enlightenment, but expressions of a deeper intelligence, the same incomprehensibly vast and awake intelligence that gives birth to stars and moves the ocean tides and sends each and every living thing off on its paradoxical journey towards its own being.  

Come out of the story of time and space and progress towards a future goal, and trust a sacred moment. Take any moment. Any moment at all. This moment. For any moment is the access point.   

There are never any blocks – only access points. 

You are not some separate entity on a long journey towards a future completion.   

You are pure poetry. 

(Jeff Foster)


Mars One Way

If offered a one way ticket to Mars would you go? I found this short film fascinating about those who would and their thoughts about it. With that being said, I’m happy to stay here on Earth. Nonetheless, I can’t blame those who would want to discover…

Invitation to Rest Deeply


Here’s some very good news. 

Right here, right now, in this moment, you don’t have to ‘figure out’ the rest of your life, no matter what anyone says. 

You don’t need all the answers. They will come, in time, or not, or perhaps the unnecessary questions will fall away. 

There is no rush. Life is not in a hurry. Be like the seasons. Winter is not trying to become summer. Spring does not rush towards autumn. The grass grows at its own pace. 

The choices that will be made will be made, and you’ve no choice about that. The decisions that will happen will happen, events will unfold, but right now perhaps you don’t need to know the solutions or the outcomes or how best to proceed. Perhaps not knowing is a welcome guest at life’s banquet. Perhaps openness to possibility is a beloved friend. Perhaps even confusion can come to rest here. 

And so, instead of trying to ‘fix’ our lives, instead of trying to neatly resolve the unresolveable and quickly complete the epic story of a fictitious ‘me’, we simply relax into utter not knowing, unravelling in the warm embrace of mystery, sinking deeply into the moment, savoring it fully, in all its uniqueness and wonder. 

And then, perhaps without any effort, without any struggle or stress, without ‘you’ being involved at all, the true answers will emerge in their own sweet time. 

(Jeff Foster)

My Favorite Rice Salad

Need a quick healthy fix? My favorite rice salad does the trick. A healthy, vegan meal that is light and at the same time satisfying as well as simple to prepare. As we are blessed with more light entering into March, it feels good to lighten things up…



“Freedom is not necessarily exciting; it’s just free. Very peaceful and quiet, so very quiet. Of course, it is also filled with joy and wonder, but it is not what you imagine. It is much, much less. Many mistake the intoxicating power of otherworldly charisma for enlightenment. More often than not it is simply otherworldly, and not necessarily free or enlightened. In order to be truly free, you must desire to know the truth more than you want to feel good. Because if feeling good is your goal, then as soon as you feel better you will lose interest in what is true. This does not mean that feeling good or experiencing love and bliss is a bad thing. Given the choice, anyone would choose to feel bliss rather than sorrow. It simply means that if this desire to feel good is stronger than the yearning to see, know, and experience Truth, then this desire will always be distorting the perception of what is Real, while corrupting one’s deepest integrity.”



February was an interesting month coming off our annual two month trip to Mysore, India. I had a few ups and down during our stay in Mysore but as always the daily practice was our rooting force and of course the primary reason for being there. I start…

Knowledge and Ritual

“Knowledge and ritual without compassion is empty.”    (Jesus)

I read somewhere recently that in our practices resistance will follow us every step of the way. True. I’d have to say this definitely comes with the territory. Some periods are tougher than others and with resistance I have found how important it is to be attentive and watchful in how we connect to the practice in relationship to others. There are many trappings along the path as well as tests and if we are not mindful entering into more layers of delusion are bound to happen. In many ways I feel it humorous to write about such things because in no way am I an expert but it is something I have been contemplating lately and well here I am writing about it. So there!

Seriously though, oh wait, no I don’t want to be so serious because sometimes I think that is the issue, taking ourselves way to seriously in relationship to our daily ritual of yoga practice. Yes, I take my practice seriously, for it has been an anchor, giving stability and focus, connecting to what I like to call my divine center. It’s an intimate thing we touch between the spaces of our inhale and exhale, in those apexes between thoughts when our heart skips a beat because what is available in these spaces is available to all. With that, we must remember in our relationships with others everyone is in a process and we must be compassionate for whatever process that is. What I have learned is the greater intelligence knows all and no matter how much yoga I practice or books I read on the topic it in no way makes me any more in the know if I don’t practice quietly sitting in this space of intelligence and usually that happens being the example more than schooling others when they have failed to understand the meaning of ahimsa (non-violence) or satya (truth) for example. 

I remember a while back after a situation that was massively blown out of portion someone then decided to throw the word satya around in a condemning fashion. It caused me to pause and reflect on the importance of the yamas and niyamas which are embedded in the first two limbs of Ashtanga yoga, the Eightfold Path. I reflected on the fact that nowhere does it seem to express, correct me if I am wrong, that we are supposed to judge others on these ethical practices. Yes, I use the word practice because they are what we ourselves practice and in the same light not necessarily to be projected onto others because obviously when we do so it is another form of distraction. They are guiding posts for us to be internally awake and what I have found calm and center my state of mind. I have also learned to accept that yes I will fail at times and I might even see others fail or be misguided and well it isn’t always my call to make. Now, I’m not talking about major injustices in the world but more like day to day occurrences and interactions we have with friends, families, colleagues, or other yoga practitioners. 

Yes the phrase, “be the change you wish to see in the world,” has been thrown around a lot lately but nonetheless puts into perspective that when I touch the light inside and shine it outward it no doubt holds more power than spiritual arrogance and or condemnation that let’s be frank, often times is hidden behind a myriad of words and posturing that aren’t always honest at their root. I like to use my own father as an example. He is the type of person that is very diligent and what some would call serious in regards to his own spiritual life. What over the years made it remarkable to me is the nonjudgmental attitude he would reflect on others in terms of these spiritual principles. It is something that has always stuck with me and has held importance as I journey forward. 

At the same time it is important we honor our feelings and be straightforward with those around us and what I am finding is not at the risk of losing all sense of compassion and sensitive awareness. I truly feel compassion is also about the art of listening without the filter of my own experience and knowing. To understand what someone is expressing without having to sound smart, charismatic or knowledgable. Can I find common ground even with those who have absolutely nothing in common with me?  Can I take in someone fully without hiding behind all my yoga knowledge? Because in truth, we are all born of the same source no matter the life experience or life choices. 

At the heart of knowledge and ritual is compassion. No need to hide behind anything for our ritual and knowledge are tools only and not what we ultimately connect to. 

Spirit is in a state of grace forever. 

Your reality is only spirit. 

Therefore you are in a state of grace forever. 

(A Course in Miracles)



“To have genuine sincerity is absolutely necessary in the spiritual life. Sincerity encompasses the qualities of honesty, genuineness, and integrity. To be sincere does not mean to be perfect. In fact, the very effort to be perfect is itself insincere,…



A haunting insight into the lives of sadhus living in Varanasi, India. Fascinating. Beautiful. Mind blowing. 


Ashtanga Yoga Intermediate Series Demonstration

A short demonstration video of some of the postures in Intermediate series shot in Mysore, India. 


Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series Demo

Here is the second video we shot while in Mysore, India with a focus on the poses of Primary Series. My favorite part of the video is the dog who comes out at the beginning of the film. There are always elements out of our control that end up being ple…

Turmeric Tea

A while back I posted a recipe for the highly popular turmeric milk. Nonetheless, dare I say, I might have found something that tops it. Homemade turmeric tea! I am in love, love, love with this drink! It is quickly becoming my favorite hot drink of al…