Healthy Eating

The best recipes, advice and products for a healthy lifestyle!


The Most Important Body Measurement (and it’s probably NOT what you think!)

Apple, pear, hourglass, tube…Whatever body shape you have, it’s really just a matter of living with what you’ve been blessed with, right?It’s true, each of us are more predisposed to one particular body shape than another.But, simply accepting your lot may not be the very best solution for improving longevity.No, there is much more to this than mere aesthetics — the shape of your body could be putting your health at risk, even if your BMI reads ‘normal.’Let me explain…Heart Failure and Waist Size: The LinkResearch suggests waist size is a much more accurate way of predicting your chance of dying from a heart attack than using weight alone.What you may not realize …

Eat More of This Fat to Slim Your Waistline

It’s been one of the most ‘sticky’ pieces of health info to date.In fact, I’d say it’s a bit like a bad penny, it just won’t disappear!Perhaps you still believe the myth…… it began in 1953, following Ancel Keys seriously flawed study, and all these years later, it’s still raising its ugly head!That is, the lie that eating fat makes us fat.The fact is this, research confirms we don’t need to avoid saturated fats after all.And, fats like coconut…

What You Need to Know About Sugar Addiction

That unstoppable craving driving you to eat something sweet.Perhaps an uncontrollable yearning for ice cream, cake or chocolate.You’ve been there, right?But why do we overeat? And why is it that some are more prone to struggling with this than others?It’s difficult to fathom that a simple cookie can have such power over you at times, when every fiber of your body is telling you not to eat it!Perhaps it’s a willpower issue. Or, maybe there’s more to it than that.Some health professionals claim certain foods are as addictive as heroin or cocaine.Others believe this is ridiculous — it’s merely a matter of …

Avoid Processed Snacks With These Tried and Tested Recipes

Elissa recently started pre-school, so I’ve been on the hunt for new and inspiring snack ideas to send with her each day.In fact, I tried four new recipes this week.I was looking for ideas that were a bit more exciting than sandwiches, fruit or dairy foods.The problem is, I didn’t actually succeed in finding snacks that were all that lunch-box friendly.However, I’m not too bothered about that because I did find four new recipes that got a big tick of approval from both my girls!So, while these probably won’t make it into Elissa’s lunchbox, they will definitely…

Change Isn’t Easy… Choose Your Hard!

Do you often feel you’re fighting an uphill battle with yourself as you try to reach your goals?I fully understand that.Perhaps you’re full of “buts” as to why you’re not in the best shape you could be…but I work long hours. ..but I’ve just had a baby. ..but I’ve got no support at home. Yes, it’s easy to come up with a list as long as, well, forever, about how we are too busy, too distracted…

Obesity and Depression: Are They Connected?

Those with excess weight often suffer from depression.That’s no secret.What we’re unsure about, though, is which comes first.Does being seriously overweight directly lead to depression in some people?Or, does depression cause excess weight gain?Perhaps it doesn’t really matter in any practical sense anyway, but depression and weight gain certainly seem to go hand-in-hand.Researchers suggest the two conditions are indeed interdependent, but there isn’t any way of knowing which came first.One study found that women with excess weight were 27 percent more likely to develop depression than women of normal weight.In another study, researchers found that depressed people tend to gain weight faster than …

Ideas to Make Gift-Giving a Breeze This Christmas

If you’re like me, you probably have a few people on your Christmas gift list that are almost impossible to buy for.Whether it’s your coworker or your kid’s teacher, perhaps you feel a little embarrassed by your lack of creativity year after year to come up with a unique gift for them.Well, handmade gifts are perfect for those people in your life, and it doesn’t have to be complicated, or time-consuming to be an awesome gift, either!In …

7 Easy Ways to Turn Any Recipe into a Real Food Recipe

There’s a misconception that really needs to be squashed!This type of negative thinking is all around us, even within the ranks of our family members.I have friends who would barely try a new food because I mistakingly introduced it as being a “healthier version.”I will not be making that error again!Apparently, the word “healthy” equates to “disgusting” or “unpalatable” in some minds.I find that attitude a little unpalatable, if I’m completely honest!So, if you think those lovely cookbooks that are collecting dust on your bookshelf can only be used for special treats, while the rest of the time you’re forced to eat boring, tasteless…

Body Image: Seeking the Impossible

Body image issues are always complicated.But, when they appear in extremely young girls, it becomes particularly worrying.This crazy fad hurts women both mentally and physically, but I need you to know that we have the power to stop it.I’m talking about a disturbing trend where women, mostly young girls, seek the elusive “thigh gap,” or a pronounced space between the thighs.If you’ve ever come across this trend on social media sites like Pinterest, Tumblr or Instagram, you’ll know it is mostly extremely thin females who are promoted.It’s clear, many of them have an eating disorder, yet they are being held up as the perfect body for the young women …