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Weight Loss

Better than a Weight Watcher Meeting – Weekly Weigh In

Oops…three weeks has gone by and I haven’t updated you on my weekly weigh ins.  Normally that would mean things haven’t been going so well.  However, in this case, it is truly that I haven’t made time.  So…here are my last three weigh ins…

January 30:

January 30 Weekly Weigh In

Down 0.8!  Yipee!

February 6

February 6 Weekly Weigh In

Down 1.4…which was shocking to me because it was the day after the Super Bowl.  We won’t even talk about that…

Now for last week’s weigh in…

February 13 Weekly Weigh In

And for a grand total of…

10 pounds gone

10 pounds since January 1.  WAHOO!  Slow and steady.

So…funny story.  I told my students back in January that I wasn’t going to eat any sweets in 2017.  I think they were a little bit shocked and skeptical so they ask my quite often if I have had anything.  Well, they asked me on Valentine’s Day if I had eaten any sweets and I said “NO!” and then I shared with them that because I hadn’t, I had lost 10 pounds since deciding not to eat them.  The whole class erupted in cheering.  One kid even said, “I can tell!”  I thought to myself, “This is better than a Weight Watcher meeting.”

It’s funny how God knows what you need when you need it and gives it to you in the most awkward of ways.  I really was missing the way people would cheer for you every 5 pounds you lose.  Well, when my whole class erupted in cheer, it made me feel so proud of myself!

It wasn’t just not eating sweets that helped me lose the weight thus far.  I also have been working out at home (well at school too) and faithfully drinking Shakeology every day.  That has helped me curb my sweet cravings and has kept me full all morning until lunch time…less snacking.  I am also tracking what I am eating in MyFitnessPal and staying on course with my daily calories (even thought they are a bit high).  I think staying focused on losing one pound a week has also helped me.  The goal doesn’t seem quite so large!

So…while I haven’t been posting as much as I would like to on here, I have been staying the course.

I would also encourage you to share with others what you are doing.  The accountability is so helpful and the encouragement when you reach milestones is amazing…better than a Weight Watcher meeting!

How has your first month and a half been going?  Are you staying the course?  Share in the comments below.

The post Better than a Weight Watcher Meeting – Weekly Weigh In appeared first on It Sux To Be Fat.

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