Healthy Eating

The best recipes, advice and products for a healthy lifestyle!

Weight Loss

My Fat Camp Experience

One of my favorite podcasts, Maintenance Phase, recently announced that it’s releasing an episode all about Fat Camp. My mind flooded with memories and conflicted feelings ranging from absolute rage to utmost thankfulness about my four years spent at Fat…

Diary of an Aspiring Loser: Healing Fairy Dust Needed

[PSA: “like” my blog’s Facebook page to get tips and updates on my blog posts in your news feed.] I started the day like this…  I posted on my Facebook page about how sometimes I dress “cute” (by my standards) to motivate…

Universal Standard Mystery Box 2022 + Discount

UPDATE, February 15, 2023: The 2023 Universal Standard Mystery Boxes are here! Get all the details and the current coupon code here. Update, March 17, 2022: Guess what? New Mystery Boxes have just dropped, for 4 days only. These are…

Diary of an Aspiring Loser: Gearing Up

[PSA: “like” my blog’s Facebook page to get tips and updates on my blog posts in your news feed.] I seem to have survived the bug that wreaked havoc on my system last week. Four days later and I’m still a little…

Peloton In Person Class – How to book, studio experience

Are you a Peloton user who always wondered what it’d be like to take classes in person at Peloton Studios New York? Ever since getting my Peloton Bike+ in 2020 and Tread in 2022, I’ve wondered what it would be…

Diary of an Aspiring Loser: A Weekend Well Done

[PSA: “like” my blog’s Facebook page to get tips and updates on my blog posts in your news feed.] Ah, Monday. I had such a lovely weekend, laid back and easy going. I did a lot of cooking. On Saturday night I…

Road Trip Highlights –

I’m going with highlights here because I cannot possibly begin to sift through all the emotions and thoughts in my head right now. Part of me would love to do a complete recap of our entire trip and share all…

Universal Standard Summer Coupon

Disclosure: I’m not being compensated for this post, however, there are affiliate links. This means that if you click through and order anything through them, I will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. These commissions help…

Ben Does Life., Proper Form: Hanging Rings

Proper Form: Hanging Rings Note: This might not be what they are called. Note 2: This is not actually proper form. Note 3: It’s very fun to swing around on them like Tarzan. Today was…

I Love Running…so why do I avoid it?

[PSA: “like” my blog’s Facebook page to get tips and updates on my blog posts in your news feed.] I’m buzzing through the week here. Well, not really. It’s been a long week due to Marek having a mystery body ache illness…

Save on my Universal Standard Favorites

A couple of weeks ago, I went to New York City. Packing for the trip proved frustrating because I realized I own a lot of clothes that are commuter-friendly, not pedestrian friendly! I needed to pack clothes that would work…

Ben Does Life., Compulsion vs. Commitment.

There’s a messageboard where people come together to talk about the bloggers they read. A lot of the messages are snarky and sometimes the things they write can sting (or downright hurt), but sometimes the stuff they say can strike…

7 Miles on a Sunday

[PSA: “like” my blog’s Facebook page to get tips and updates on my blog posts in your news feed.] So I didn’t get a second gym workout last week like I’d hoped. My legs were pretty sore and, well, ya know. I…

Lizzo’s Watch Out For the Big Grrrl’s: An Interview

Did you know that Lizzo has a brand new show coming out this week?! Friday, March 25 is the premiere of Lizzo’s Watch Out For The Big Grrrls on Prime Video. This eight-episode unscripted series follows Lizzo and her quest…

Ben Does Life., New Year’s 2016

New Year’s 2016 Started atop the tallest building in all of Arkansas.  Moved to beers at a pub on the river.  Proceeded to coffee at Waffle House.  And ended with mac and cheese over some…

Diary of an Aspiring Loser: Jumping Spirit

[PSA: “like” my blog’s Facebook page to get tips and updates on my blog posts in your news feed.] The week is fully underway here and I am happy to report, I’ve already gone on a run! Can you tell I’m excited?…

Plus Size Underwear – Review of Universal Standard UltimateS

One of the fashion questions I get asked the most via private message or email is about underwear that fits well. I never have a super enthusiastic recommendation because I don’t have any that really fit exactly how I want…

Ben Does Life., Down in southern Arkansas with Alexis for the…

High Res Down in southern Arkansas with Alexis for the weekend meeting her family. Slightly nervous, but it seems to be going well. Woke up early on this beautiful…

Diary of an Aspiring Loser: The YOU you!

[PSA: “like” my blog’s Facebook page to get tips and updates on my blog posts in your news feed.] I’m feeling good about the day ahead, probably because I have a plan for my eating (well, a loose plan, anyway) and exercise….

New Here? Welcome!

Hi! Whether you’re here from the Pantsuit Politics podcast or found me a different way, I’m glad you’re here. I thought it would be helpful to give new friends an introduction. Source link

Covid | Finding Radiance

These are certainly strange times. As of today, NY shot up to the most Covid cases in the country with over 900 statewide, and of course that number is going to grow with more testing coming on board. Governor Cuomo…