Healthy Eating

The best recipes, advice and products for a healthy lifestyle!

Weight Loss

Ben Does Life., Thanks, dude.

Thanks, dude. “It’s weird I’m not going to be doing this with you, dude.”  That’s what Pa said to me an hour ago as he left me on a street corner here in Corona, California. “This…

Diary of an Aspiring Loser: Clearing Out the Funk

[PSA: “like” my blog’s Facebook page to get tips and updates on my blog posts in your news feed.] Well, hello there. I won’t attempt a catch-up post because it’s been far too long. I’ll just dive in to the here-and-now. Which…

Weight Loss

Easy Paleo Pancakes Recipe. Low Carb Goodness!

It’s Paleo Pancakes time! But if you had told me a few months back that I would give up my regular pancakes forever for this (weird?) paleo stand in, I would’ve laughed in your face and proceeded to cover my…

Weight Loss

2017 – The Year of Balance

bal·ance noun 1.  an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady. 2.  a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions. verb 1.  keep or put (something) in a steady…

Road Trip Planning –

Before I get into the trip I’m planning with the boys, let me wrap my head around something. This guy, The Baby, The Toddler, the one who made me a mom and changed my life forever, is turning SEVENTEEN on…

Low Carb Lifestyle Leads to Dramatic Weight Loss

Dan before at 340 pounds and after at 182 pounds Thanks much to Dan for submitting his story;  The sudden death of my wife of 37 years from diet related causes changed my life. I knew I had to make…

Losing Belly Fat with Rolfing?

Last week I met up with a friend I hadn’t seen for a few months. She looked fantastic and had obviously lost weight, especially around her stomach area.  She was never much overweight before but was carrying extra weight around…

It’s more than just a dress.

“When’s the last time you wrote something on the blog?” my husband asked. He didn’t mean “created content,” he meant actually writing something that wasn’t a sponsored post or an outfit-of-the-day. No malicious intent or judgment was implied with the…

Hey, hey – What’s Blooming!

I’m still here. My garden has been exploding and I’ve enjoyed puttering around it. It’s a nice distraction from covid. I am so concerned about the pandemic and it’s trajectory – NY had such a hellish period that I can’t…

Day Three: complete.

Let me first say that day 3 was, by all accounts, a huge success. My feet had been the big problem days one and two but it appears that they are beginning to callous, which is heavenly. Mile 18 today,…

Diary of an Aspiring Loser: I’ve Done Nothing Wrong

[PSA: “like” my blog’s Facebook page to get tips and updates on my blog posts in your news feed.] I haven’t been writing much but in my most recent post, I shared that I’ve gained some weight (I’m 15 pounds over my…

Weight Loss

Weight Loss Maintenance Before & After Pics | 3 Key Tips

Booyah! I’m on a roll with this weight loss maintenance stuff. I’ve kept the weight off for an entire year. Yes, there have been ups and downs, and I expect there always will be since perfection is not my goal…

Weight Loss

2017 Goals

I told you this year is all about Balance.  One thing I didn’t tell you is this year is all about simplifying my life too!  I think when you need balance, the simpler and more organized your life is, the…

Birthdays, College & Pour Decisions –

Nope. That’s not a typo. I absolutely fell in love with this punny sign I came across in Aldi and had to pick it up. It is also a great way to tell you some exciting news! I accepted a…

Losing Pain and 60 Pounds

Congrats to Teri who lost sixty pounds seven years ago and has maintained this weight loss since then. She says she used to be a yo-yo dieter all her life and had tried many diets. “I had a stressful career, and my…

Obese to Super Fit in One Year

Brian at 345 pounds Brian at 175 pounds Thanks much to Brian for submitting his story. Brian weighed 345 pounds in April of last year. Today he weighs 175 pounds! It’s an amazing achievement.  To start off, i can’t ever…

Big Denim Sale + Special Code

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. This means that if you click through and order anything through them, I will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. These commissions help me continue my work here, and I…

Happy New Year!

Hey everybody! I’m here and so ready to be done with 2020. I just wanted to wish all of you a safe and happy new year! I hope to be back more in 2021 Source link

Day 7 has come to an end here in Joshua Tree. 130 miles are…

Day 7 has come to an end here in Joshua Tree. 130 miles are done. Many more to go. Instagram is where I’m doing most of my updating: Source link

Diary of an Aspiring Loser: Motivation, YAY!

[PSA: “like” my blog’s Facebook page to get tips and updates on my blog posts in your news feed.] So much has happened this summer, including my annual women’s backpacking trip, which I hope to write about soon, but the most exciting…

Weight Loss

Snacktime! Buttery Parmesan Toast Recipe

Say hello to Buttery Parmesan Toast. Oh meee oh my-my-my. I threw this together in a pinch when my stomachs were demanding an afternoon snack attack. It’s so darn simple to make and extremely satisfying. The yummy goal here is…

Weight Loss

Quit Doubting – Weekly Weigh In

What an adventurous week I had.  For it to be my first week “on track”, it was kind of weird. I did really well for the whole week until the weekend hit.  And we got ice and a little bit…