Healthy Eating

The best recipes, advice and products for a healthy lifestyle!

Weight Loss

Hey, hey – What’s Blooming!

I’m still here. My garden has been exploding and I’ve enjoyed puttering around it. It’s a nice distraction from covid. I am so concerned about the pandemic and it’s trajectory – NY had such a hellish period that I can’t…

I walked from Los Angeles to Boston over the course of five…

I walked from Los Angeles to Boston over the course of five months. This is what it looked like through the lens of my camera.  Instagram: Order the book: Source link

10 Years and Still Going!

[PSA: “like” my blog’s Facebook page to get tips as well as updates on my blog posts in your news feed.] Yes, I’m still here. On March 25, 2017 my blog celebrated its 10-year anniversary. And I’m still here. Still fighting the…

Weight Loss

Healthy Low Carb Breakfast Ideas / Keto & Paleo Friendly

I hope you’re hungry! Here are a few of my favorite low carb breakfast options that I enjoy on the days that I’m not doing intermittent fasting. Sure, I still enjoy my traditional big breakfasts, but I try to limit…

Weight Loss

Better than a Weight Watcher Meeting – Weekly Weigh In

Oops…three weeks has gone by and I haven’t updated you on my weekly weigh ins.  Normally that would mean things haven’t been going so well.  However, in this case, it is truly that I haven’t made time.  So…here are my…

Well, It’s Been a Minute, hasn’t it? –

This may be the longest stretch of time I haven’t blogged. My last post was in June, and frankly, after all the car troubles on vacation, my youngest broke his arm, we needed to replace our entire HVAC system, and…

Weight Loss

Flattering Plus Size Tops

Hi all, I’m back after a long time away from this blog and will be posting a couple of great weight loss stories this week. In the meantime I’ve been enjoying selecting some of the tops and tee shirts for…

Permanent Weight Loss – No Going Back to Fat

Tammi used to weigh 275 pounds and we wrote about her weight loss success three years ago. Check out her before pic and story here. She has just commented on that post to let us know that it’s been three years…

Universal Standard Mystery Box 2023 + Discount

Disclosure: This blog post is not sponsored by Universal Standard, but I did receive a free Mystery Box in exchange for showcasing the outfit on Instagram. If you use my link or coupon code in this post to make a…

Happy New Year!

Hey everybody! I’m here and so ready to be done with 2020. I just wanted to wish all of you a safe and happy new year! I hope to be back more in 2021 Source link

Ben Does Life., Update after three years.  I now weigh more than…

High Res Update after three years.  I now weigh more than 400 pounds. I’m down 22 pounds though and weighing in every morning at – so, follow there…

Diary of an Aspiring Loser: Living the Normal Dream

It’s been 12 years since I began this journey. I remember once asking a WW leader, a woman who had been maintaining her weight for something like 20+ years, asking her if she feels like she has a “normal” relationship…

Weight Loss

Flabby Arms Exercises Upper Body Workout

Got flabby arms? Ugggh. I know exactly how you feel. Used to have them. But help is right here, right now. In this workout, the focus is on improving your biceps, front of the shoulders, and the sides of the…

Weight Loss

What are You Waiting For??? – Weekly Weigh In

I know I just did a weigh in post but I am trying to get caught up and report my weigh in’s by Wednesday so here is another one.  This week was good.  It’s so funny because every Monday when…

Why, Hello, 2023! –

Four months! That’s one heck of a stretch of time for me not to blog! I say that, but truth be told, I’m really just doing my blogging over on IG. I wish that weren’t the case, but damn it,…

Weight Loss Success for Morgan

Morgan is 5’6″ tall. In the before photo she weighs about 225 and in the after pic she is at 135 pounds. Morgan was over 100 pounds above her ideal weight after years of adding pounds in high school and…

Triphala – A Natural Aid for Weight Loss

I’ve been very happy with my weight for a few years now but there is something not quite right with my digestive system. I am not absorbing the nutrients and eliminating the waste as efficiently as I could be. I…

Expo West – Trends + Best New Vegan Products

Hey guys! This past week, I had the opportunity to attend and cover the Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim, CA—a mecca for anyone interested in where the $99B natural products industry stands currently and where it’s headed. You can check out my preview post here to see what I was most excited about. I attended the Expo with several goals…

Happy Pi Day!

3/14 – also known as Pi day for geeks and fun lovers everywhere! Here are some fun facts about Pi so you can impress your friends with your knowledge: In the first 100,000 digits of Pi, the number that occurs most frequently is 1. The Babylonians were the first to find a value for Pi. The longest memorized series of Pi numbers went to 42,195 (Not sure how this person got this far without a single mistake, but would anyone notice?) In other parts of the world, July 22 — 22/7 — is another popular choice for Pi Day. So you can celebrate twice if you want! Memorizing large strings of the digits of pi through the use of various mnemonic techniques is called piphilology. John and I celebrated Pi Day…

Another weekend, another successful (and rainy) long run. 7…

Another weekend, another successful (and rainy) long run. 7 miles: 1 hour 30 minutes. Getting better.

An Easy Trick to Cut Calories Without Even Trying

Calories matter in weight loss. Current diets focus on protein, older diets focused on carbs, and who knows what future diets will focus on. But at the end of the day, calories do matter in weight loss. Although I didn’t count calories very often when I was losing weight, I had a very good sense of how many calories were in a serving of foods because I was an avid label reader and measured my portions until I knew exactly how much food was in a serving. I…

Across the Bay 12k Race Report (and weekend recap)

[PSA: “like” my blog’s Facebook page to get tips and updates on my blog posts in your news feed.]It’s Sunday and I am, yet again, exhausted. This is likely going to be my shortest race report ever. But before I get to that, a quick recap of the day prior. I arrived at Sonoma Mission Inn on Friday evening. My mom, aunt and sister were already there. Two generations of sisters, what could be more fun?? They’d already had a few drinks when I arrived so I had a quick couple glasses of champagne and was soon in the festive …