Healthy Eating

The best recipes, advice and products for a healthy lifestyle!


Kanelstrand: Whole Wheat Apple Muffins

I’ve been spending much of my time lately baking (because I’m a baking addict but don’t tell anyone) and experimenting with tastes and textures. I’ve been baking so much actually, that I thought of starting a separate Kanelstrand blog to…

How to Stay Positive: 19 Smart Habits

“Having a positive mental attitude is asking how something can be done rather than saying it can’t be done.”Bo Bennett “To avoid situations in which you might make mistakes may be the biggest mistake of all.”Peter McWilliams “We don’t see…

Can Turmeric Really Whiten Teeth?

Last month I posted 5 ways to whiten your teeth naturally and one of them was turmeric. I must admit I raised my brow the first time I heard that turmeric can whiten teeth because I knew that it stained…

23 Small Ways to Make Life Simpler

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”Leonardo da Vinci “The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity.” Ludwig Wittgenstein I love simplifying my life. It makes me more effective and life less…

How to Simplify Family Craft Time

Forrest Espinoza is an artist, mother, and the founder of Artterro.  The Artterro brand is all about creativity, with a line of Eco Art Kits—open-ended art projects with natural materials, for kids and adults alike.  Along with nurturing her business,…

How to Say No: 10 Powerful Tips

How do you stop saying yes when you honestly just want to say no? Well, it’s not easy. I used to have a lot of trouble with it. And so I’d become frustrated and angry with myself and others who…

A Beginner’s Guide to Loving Nature in Spring

This is a step by step guide to finding a way to notice and love nature this spring. Why, you’d ask… because by noticing nature, even for a couple of minutes each day helps you hear your inner voice and…

201 Monday Motivation Quotes (+ My 5 Favorite Tips for a Great Week)

Are you in need of some Monday motivation? If you’re perhaps tired, unmotivated and just reluctant to do anything and want a few more days of weekend right now then I have something that can help you. I’ve put together…

Kanelstrand: Surreal Photo Print Giveaway

Don’t you just love spring? I feel empowered, excited and awake when I look at the blooming trees and flowers, and when I notice how fast the leaves are growing. Every living thing seem to be waking up from the…

60 May Quotes to Help You to Have a Wonderful Spring Month

May is finally here. And spring has truly begun. Many things have begun to bloom (at least here in Sweden). The days are warm and long. It’s a lot easier and simpler to keep the energy and optimism up during…

Simple Living Rabbit: Spring Flowers

On a sunny spring day Muffin Rabbit is outside with us. I think he’s missed all the nature smells and you can tell when you see him around the snowdrops and the crocuses. Read more about the adventures of Muffin,…

Why Am I So Stupid? 12 Reasons Why You May Think That and What to Do About It

We all feel stupid from time to time. I’ve certainly done it plenty of times. But I’ve also learned what to do when you feel stupid to improve upon that situation. So those negative thoughts and feelings don’t start taking…

On Crafting and Blogging with Alycia of Habitual Homebody

When I started this blog 4 years ago, I thought that giving back to the handmade community was the tiniest of things I could do to repay for what I learned (and keep on learning to this day). That is…

72 Same Energy Quotes to Inspire and Motivate You

When you match someone else’s energy and mirror that person it can bring the two of you closer and create rapport. When you focus your energy on what matters the most to you then you can make great leaps forward…

Simple Living Rabbit: The Yawn

Does he get tired running in the garden? You bet! A yawn from Muffin Rabbit on a lazy sunny Saturday. Read more about the adventures of Muffin, the simple living rabbit. Source link

How to Do What Matters in a Self-Kind Way

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”Buddha “People throw away what they could have by insisting on perfection, which they cannot have, and looking for it where they will never find it.”Edith…

Kanelstrand: Which is Better for Hair: Lemon Juice or Vinegar?

In the three years that I’ve been no-pooing it was a habit of mine to replace hair conditioner with apple cider vinegar. I knew that some people used lemon juice instead of vinegar but because vinegar gave me great results…

125 Work Ethic Quotes to Supercharge Your Motivation and Success

Few things are so valuable in life as having a good and positive work ethic. It will help you to actually make your dreams and goals into reality. Instead of them mostly being wishes or daydreams as the months and…

Simple Living Rabbit: In the Pocket

When he was a baby Muffin Rabbit went everywhere with me. He even hopped into my pants pocket once and that’s how I took him to the beach. Read more about the adventures of Muffin, the simple living rabbit. Source…

111 Tired Quotes You Can Relate to (But Also Get a Boost of Energy From)

If you’re tired today then maybe this post can help you. In it I want to share relatable and timeless thoughts on tiredness. To give you some comfort. To remind you that you’re not alone in feeling this way. But…

On the Joy of Handmade with Lisa Jordan

In today’s edition of our handmade interviews I’d like you to meet Lisa Jordan, a very inspiring wool artist living the rural life in the woods of Minnesota. She creates art that reflects the variety of textures and colors around…

32 It is What It is Quotes to Help You Accept and Move on with Your Life

In a lot of situations in life one of the best ways to direct your energy and thoughts towards the future again and move on with your life is to tap into acceptance. So in today’s post I’d like to…