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Flabby Arms Exercises Upper Body Workout

Got flabby arms? Ugggh. I know exactly how you feel. Used to have them. But help is right here, right now. In this workout, the focus is on improving your biceps, front of the shoulders, and the sides of the arms. It’s a quick upper body workout that will get your muscles burning fast to get rid of flabby arms. Beautiful arms are yours for the taking! It’s just up to you to take the time to put in the work. Now let’s do this…

Use light to medium weights for this workout. If you do not have dumbbells, grab a couple of soup cans and get to work. Remember to stand tall. Do not hunch over or swing your body for momentum to lift the weights (that’s cheating). Do not hold your breath — remember to breath in and out. This workout is designed with minimal rest periods for an optimal muscle burn, but listen to your body and take a break if you absolutely need to.


In the video…

  1. Alternating bicep curls
  2. 45-degree bicep curls
  3. Scoop-ups
  4. Upright rows: up quick, down slow
  5. Upright rows: up slow, down quick
  6. Alternating 45-degree bicep curls

flabby arms workout

For impressive results that will make you darn proud of yourself, and to knock the socks off of your soon-to-be admirers, complete one to two rounds of this workout 2-3 times per week. To get rid of your flabby arms even faster, remember to keep your carbs in check. Promise yourself not to go overboard on food in general, but especially those carbs. Save those extra carbs for your splurge day instead.

Check back soon for a workout that targets those batwings — the back of the arms. A triceps workout is coming!

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The post Flabby Arms Exercises Upper Body Workout appeared first on Yum Yucky.

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