Finding Radiance –
3/14 – also known as Pi day for geeks and fun lovers everywhere!
Here are some fun facts about Pi so you can impress your friends with your knowledge:
- In the first 100,000 digits of Pi, the number that occurs most frequently is 1.
- The Babylonians were the first to find a value for Pi.
- The longest memorized series of Pi numbers went to 42,195 (Not sure how this person got this far without a single mistake, but would anyone notice?)
- In other parts of the world, July 22 — 22/7 — is another popular choice for Pi Day. So you can celebrate twice if you want!
- Memorizing large strings of the digits of pi through the use of various mnemonic techniques is called piphilology.
John and I celebrated Pi Day with a bit of pie! The coffee shop was celebrating as well and offered a free cup of coffee with the purchase of a slice of pie. Who could resist that offer?
Have a great weekend!
(c) Finding Radiance – Read entire story here.