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Hey, hey – What’s Blooming!

I’m still here. My garden has been exploding and I’ve enjoyed puttering around it. It’s a nice distraction from covid. I am so concerned about the pandemic and it’s trajectory – NY had such a hellish period that I can’t believe other states aren’t taking it seriously enough. Just wear a mask, people, please. Or a face shield. Just something as we all need to do our part.

Anyway, It’s been hard to get up the will to post stuff, but then all of the sudden it’s there again and here I am

I have a pot of pansies that has hung around despite the really hot and humid temperatures. It kind of comes and goes with the blooms, but seems willing to keep trying.

I had a good run of foxgloves. This color was one that I only saw 2 stalks of.

It’s called Candy Mountain. I have let it go to seed. After several years, my foxgloves seem to have found the place in my garden that they really like and I have tons of babies.

My campanula alba:

These get nice tall spikes on them and the foliage is neat and compact when they aren’t blooming. I might try dividing this clump and see if I can get more plants out of it. It hasn’t really spread or done too much in 5 years other than bloom a lot.

Next to the campanula is my Othello rose:

This one has been pretty happy this year. I remembered to put some rose food on my roses in the spring and turns out they like it 🙂

An early fall-like flower is the ecchibeckia:

This really bloomed early starting in late June. I had two, but only one came back.

In the back, the shade garden heuchera bloomed nicely:

Now that the plants are a lot bigger, they get dug up less by critters looking for earthworms or whatever they are digging for. Finally after a few years it’s nice to have mature plants.

Some new penstemon:

I was hoping the hummers would go for these, but I didn’t see any on the flower. But then I’ve only seen one hummingbird.

My tall asiatic lily:

This one got about 4 feet tall this year since no rabbit nibbled on it LOL.

Behind that is the shasta daisy.

These are so fun and happy! I have more pictures, since I’m obviously way behind here, but I wanted to pop in and say hi!

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