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Honoring Whole Foods’ Right Decision On GMO Labeling

Vegan Reader –

Whole Foods To Require GMO Labeling

Regular readers will know that our publication has repeatedly criticized the Whole Foods Corporation for failing to walk their talk in so many ways. Today, we want to take a moment to honor this powerful entity for announcing mandatory GMO labeling on foods it carries by 2018. Please, read the whole article I’ve linked to in order to understand the grassroots pressure that led up to this momentous announcement so that you can give credit where credit is due. Without the persistent, enduring activism of so many individuals and publications, we would not be seeing this announcement from Whole Foods. But, regardless of the reasons this has happened, I do want give credit to Whole Foods for realizing that they’ve got to give the customer what the customer wants, and an estimated 80+{967bf23b37ec6a673a83041540b3f904a815b4119ddf673afb961c1e7592ebdd} of Americans want to know what’s in their food. So, congratulations, Whole Foods, for recognizing this and building policy around it.

The gutsiest element of Whole Foods’ move is that they have now pitted themselves against dread biotech giant, Monsanto. All I can say is, “YAY, YAY, YAY!”. Now, this isn’t just you and me and the guy down the street taking on Monsanto; it is a multi-national corporation with a global level of influence and power. Media predictions are already being made that Monstanto and its buddy, the FDA, will partner up to try to crush Whole Foods over this, but in America, it is the dollar that talks, and now, when I have to go to whole foods for the few staple foods we buy, I will be happy to think that my dollar will go toward taking on both Monsanto and its unholy allies in the government. My dollar will say, “I don’t want your GMOs in my food.”

Now, this isn’t to say I’ve become Whole Foods #1 fan over night. I still think it’s ridiculous that this so-called ‘natural foods store’ stocks more conventional food than organic food, and Whole Foods’ CEO has pulled one wretched stunt after another, but on this one issue, I am standing in solidarity with Whole Foods. Go, go, go, Whole Foods. Take on the bad guys and win!

(c) Vegan Reader – Read entire story here.