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If you see my brain

The Fitnessista –

You guys. I guess my brain only has limited space right now -it’s even worse since I birthed it two years ago- because I had not one, but two major fails yesterday. I got to the studio to teach my second Zumba class and couldn’t figure out why no one was there. Even my friend Megan, who was going to team-teach with me, was not there. I’m sitting in the office, look at the clock around 6:10 after 15 minutes of waiting and realize. My class is at 6:30, not 6. It’s ALWAYS been at 6:30. Better super early than super late, though.

I killed time by reading a book we had in the office about dance moves.

Lawnmower, anyone?



Zumba was a blast, as usual. I felt bad because I had to tell my class I was moving, and that Megan would likely be taking over when I left. It’s definitely hard to build up a class, especially when it’s full of people you love, to tell them you’re moving. Megan taught a few songs so she could introduce herself to everyone. 

Here’s the playlist we used:


Afterwards, I had plans to meet up with Katie for a margarita, and when I got to G Grill I called her to see if she’d been seated already.

“Yeah, I’m inside at the bar.”

“Ok, I’m walking in.”

“You’re at Blanco right?”

Whaaaaaaaaaat. Somehow I had it in my much brain to meet her at G Grill, so I got in the car and drove to Blanco (which was delicious as ever, BTW). Fail x 13,456, but once i got there we had a great dinner and chat together <3

Fingers crossed today is a little less scatterbrained. We basically have something going on each day before we move -including some really fun things like a show with the fam and a triple date out with some of our closest friends- but it’s definitely getting into the craziness. I’m looking forward to being unpacked, settled in, and walking to the beach with Liv :)

B-fast cookie cereal this am:

Bfast  1 of 1 12

I’m off to take Liv to ride her scooter! I can’t get enough of the spring-y sunshine.

Have a wonderful day! <3



New post on the Family page!

Some fitness trends worth trying:

1. A fitness tracker. It’s provided valuable data about my workouts and has also encouraged me to be more active during the day. Bella is thankful, too, because in order to meet my step goal, I have to take her for a walk. You can check out my reviews of the Fitbit Flex and Polar Loop if you’d like to learn more.

2. HIIT. I always believed in the effectiveness of HIIT, but it wasn’t until I started to incorporate it into my weekly routine that I saw huge results. Here’s a HIIT post if you’re looking for ways to add some HIIT into your life. Just a heads up: HIIT is not intended for beginning exercises or those in recovery from an injury. Build up to 30 minutes of steady state cardio, most days of the week, before incorporating any type of interval training.

3. Functional fitness. Focus on exercises that are going to assist you in everyday movements, like the deadlift, squat, pushup, rotation, stair climbs and plank. 

4. Yoga. Of course, yoga has been around for quite a while, but if you haven’t given it a try, maybe add a class (or new to you class if you practice avidly) in next week’s schedule. I have a class later today and I caaaan’t wait.



(c) The Fitnessista – Read entire story here.