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Weight Loss

Lower Body Burnout Set

Yum Yucky –

Leg day accomplished? Excuse me, but you ain’t finished yet. Tack this burnout set onto the end of your leg day routine. It’ll only take a few minutes. A burnout set will put the Oooo in your Ahhhh and keep you on the fast(er) track to transforming ‘dem legs and ‘dat booty.

LOWER BODY BURNOUT SET (complete one round)

  • 10 slow, deep squats with 2-second pause on the low end
  • 20 alternating curtsey lunges
  • 15 static lunge low-end pulses (left leg)
  • 15 static lunge low-end pulses (right leg)

Time under tension and proper form is key. Don’t perform these exercises too fast or rely on momentum. Keep it slow, controlled, and focus on the tension on the low end.

  • For more of a challenge: Add a dumbbell or kettelbell.
  • To make it a full workout: Complete 3 rounds instead of one.
  • To make it a hybrid workout: Add 20 pushups onto the end of each round, or use this burnout set as a mini leg workout before hitting upper body.

Good Reading: 9 Steps to Building Beautiful Female Muscle

…and don’t forget to S-T-R-E-T-C-H!!!

stretching Lower Body Burnout Set






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