Healthy Eating

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Nutrition Tip: You Eat What You Buy.

rainbow-fruit-skewers-2You’ve probably heard someone say, “Out of sight, out of mind.” The meaning behind this idiom is simple. If you don’t see or hear about something, you’ll stop thinking about it. And when applied to nutrition, this strategy can prove extremely powerful.

If your pantry, cupboards and refrigerator are stocked with unhealthy options like chips, chocolate, candies and sugary cereals, then you’ll see those products every time you’re searching for a snack. The temptation can be too much for even the toughest amongst us. If you put unhealthy foods in your kitchen, those unhealthy foods will end up in your body.

If, on the other hand, you stock your home with healthy options like fruit, vegetables, hummus and unsalted nuts, then those are the foods you’ll eat. If you put healthy foods in your kitchen, those healthy foods will end up in your body.

Here’s the powerful truth: The biggest predictor of what you’ll put in your body is what you put in your kitchen.

Of course, the foods in your cupboards and pantry don’t appear there by magic. It begins in the supermarket. When you make healthy choices while shopping, it becomes infinitely easier to make healthy choices when you get home. For some healthy grocery shopping tips on a budget, check out my video.