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Post-Race Blues (a reader question)

I was looking for something to post today and I re-discovered a folder in my email called “Blog Post Ideas”–they are ideas that were submitted by readers. At the time I made it, I had every intention of writing about each of them–and then, being me, I completely forgot the folder was even there.

So, I started looking through them today, and there was one from 2019(!) about “post-race blues” and how to get motived to start running again after a big race is over. Since I was just writing yesterday about how I just don’t feel motivated to run right now, I thought it might be a helpful post (for myself, even).

In 2016, I ran a personal best 10K and I felt on top of the world. I had trained SO HARD for that time. The previous fall, I was running an 11:00 minute mile for a 10K and my goal (for April) was to run a 7:55 minute mile pace. Sounded completely impossible.

But I trained my ass off, even losing 40 pounds in the process. And on race day, I did it! I was so happy and relieved that all of my training had paid off.

And you know what? That was the last time I felt *truly* excited about racing. After that, I didn’t care about my speed or distance, or even running races ever again. I had reached that big goal and I didn’t really have another desire to reach new distances or speeds. I wanted to keep running, but more for exercise/hobby/fun than anything.

I wish I could say that it has changed over time, but it honestly hasn’t. I go through phases where I really enjoy running and other times, phases where I want to quit for good (right now, I have no desire to run). The point is, though, I had the post-race blues after that 10K for a long time. I actually went into a pretty deep depression for nearly a year–at which time I went to a psychiatrist and was diagnosed with bipolar.

I felt like I just didn’t have anything to look forward to after crushing my goal. I’d worked so hard that I never wanted to try to better my time once again. I’ve only run a few races since then and I haven’t truly *raced* any of them. In 2018, I gained a lot of weight back because I just couldn’t find that drive I used to have–not just racing, but in diet as well. 

I replied to the reader who had sent me the question–I said that I’m not “credible” to give advice about getting motivation back to keep running because I hadn’t yet gotten there myself. I said that once I figured it out, I would be sure to write about it.

And here we are, almost four years later… do I have the right advice? Unfortunately, no.

This is where I am hoping some other people can jump in and give their own advice for getting back to running after the “post-race blues”. I’m in a bit of a pickle (totally my fault) right now because I have a 10K race in two weeks and I’m not even close to ready for it. I don’t know whether to go try to run it and do my best or just go and cheer Nathan on while he runs it (we hadn’t planned to stick together through the race itself–he’s much faster than I).

Basically, I want to WANT to run. There were times where I was excited to train because I could see myself improving. There were times that I switched up training methods to keep things interesting. I coached cross country and hoped that would motivate me; I’ve read running books and I’ve listened to running podcasts to no avail. I just can’t get back that full-force drive I used to push me to train. Or if I wasn’t training for a race, I ran anyway.

In my heyday, if someone would have asked, I would have suggested:

*Pick a new race to train for.
*Set new goals for either distance or speed (not both at the same time)
*Check out some running motivation (I wrote a whole post about my running motivators here)
*Try a different training method (if you’re used to training by speed, then try heart rate training; if you’re used to training by distance, try running shorter distances but faster; etc.)
*Pick a running plan that is different than anything you’ve done before; there is something about the fresh, new start that is a pick-me-up
*Take a short break from running and try another sport–or maybe even set your sights on a triathlon.
*Make it fun with friends by signing up for a race like a Ragnar Relay (that’s the race that I did with a team in the film ‘From Fat to Finish Line’).
*Get together with a friend and train for another race together–even if you don’t have plans to run a personal best.
*Sometimes just looking through past race photos helps!

As you can see, I have ideas. They just haven’t panned out for me–either due to excuses, laziness, lack of interest, or inability due to injury or something like that. 

So, Friends, I ask you now… what would your advice be? I want to know for myself as much as for the reader who asked the question! (A million years ago) Thanks 🙂

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