Healthy Eating

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Runs for Cookies: Wednesday Weigh-In: Week 177

Well, that was a short two weeks!

I wasn’t planning to stop blogging for so long, but it was really nice to let my computer collect a little dust over the last two weeks 😉  I’d like to do a “catch-up” post (for the last couple of months, haha), but I wouldn’t even know where to start. When I was blogging daily, I started struggling to come up with things to write about; while I still don’t have anything major to write, it feels good not to feel totally blocked when I sit down to write.

If I was to boil down the last two weeks into one main point, it’s that I don’t do well without having a routine (which we all know already). A couple of months ago, I actually managed to get into the most normal sleep routine I’ve ever had (and I’ve never had a “normal” sleep pattern–insomnia has plagued me for my entire life). I made myself turn off the lights by 10:00 pm, which is unheard of for me (my mind just doesn’t shut off). At first, it was really hard to fall asleep that early, but as I get older, I prefer getting up early over staying up late. So I kind of forced it and eventually was getting a full six hours of sleep–10 to 4–almost every day. And only waking up once or twice during the night!

[Another reason I like going to bed early is because it stops me from snacking at night, which is a big issue for me.]

A couple of weekends ago, Jerry and I went to a friend’s house to play some board games. I was a little worried it would throw off my sleep, but I don’t want to be held hostage in the evenings on the weekend and not go out and do things! We had a lot of fun and it wasn’t even a super late night; I think we got home at 11:30 ish.

I was wide awake, however, and didn’t fall asleep until sometime after 3:00, and then managed to sleep in until 7:00–but all it took was that one day to mess with my sleep schedule. After that, my body wanted me to stay up late again. A week later, just as I was starting to get back into the earlier routine, we had another “late” night on Sunday (a few days ago). Jerry and I took the kids to go see Bill Burr in Detroit (a Christmas present). I *loved* spending time just the four of us and we had a lot of fun! Again, it wasn’t a super late night, but now I’m struggling to sleep. Again.

For those of you that go to bed early (“early” is different for everyone, obviously; in my mind, I’m thinking 9:00-10:00 ish), how do you handle being out “late” on weekends? Does it mess with your routine? I’m thinking that if I continue to get up at the same time every day, even after a late night, it’ll be easier to go to sleep the next night. I’ll try that next time, instead of trying to sleep in.

Anyway, with my sleep schedule thrown off, it kind of threw off all sorts of other stuff. And on top of it, Jerry is doing a project at work that caused his schedule to change slightly (only for two weeks, thankfully!).

Even though I haven’t been blogging, I’ve been keeping busy working on projects around the house (and a few projects for other people). Oh, and spring cleaning! We’ve had a couple of gorgeous, warm days recently–I love to open up the windows, crank up some music, and spring clean/organize. Cleaning feels like less of a chore on a nice day with the windows open. My house was so clean yesterday; a clean house always puts me in a good mood.

As far as my eating for the last couple of weeks, I did okay. Not great, because late nights always make me snack; for meals, though, I did pretty good. I guessed it balanced out well enough, because my weight was pretty much the same as it was two weeks ago.

I was at 143.2, down from 143.6; still about 10 pounds more than I’d like, but as long as I’m not gaining, I’m not complaining 😉

For this upcoming week, my main focus is going to be working on going to bed earlier (and therefore, not snacking). One of Dr. Greger’s 21 Tweaks [for weight loss] suggests not snacking after 7:00 pm–and I’ve noticed it makes a big difference in my weight when I’m following that guideline. The last couple of times my weight dipped into the 120’s was when I stopped snacking at night (or I had a piece of fruit or a few dates or prunes or something like that).

I also want to write more frequently. At the very least, I want to do Friday Night Photos because that’s always been kind of a journal for me–recapping my week–and I like having that. I haven’t done one in a long time so I’ll just have to pick and choose what to share, but after that, I’d like to go back to doing it weekly!

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