Healthy Eating

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Healthy Recipes

theworldaccordingtoeggface: Headed to Nashville

I’m headed to Nashville. I’m attending ObesityWeek. ObesityWeek for those that may not know is the combined annual meetings of the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) and The Obesity Society (TOS) so the bariatric surgeons and their related staff (bariatric nurses, dietitians, psychologists, etc.) and the scientists and researchers in obesity.

A few years ago it was held in San Diego, which is the closest major city to my town and I worked in a booth for the Obesity Action Coalition (didn’t attend sessions or meetings) and then last year it was in the Washington DC/Virginia area and just before I became OAC Board Chair so they sent me to learn and meet the folks we interact with on common projects. I attended some super interesting scientific sessions most of which were over my head a bit but I asked a lot of questions and gained a better understanding of the science of obesity… honestly it was empowering to hear from world-renowned scientist from all over the globe all saying it is not just “eat less and move more” which is sadly what much of society and the media portray it as. Personal responsibility for healthy behaviors is just one aspect and so much more is at play (brain signals, gut hormones, environment, and on-and-on.) Now how to get that message out to the general public… so that those affected aren’t faced with the stigma and bias that obesity is all their fault… I’d love to hear your ideas!

I feel more comfortable going this year since it’s my second one. I’ll be tweeting, of course, from some of the sessions and meetings and Tuesday I’m on a panel sharing my personal story and ways people treating obesity can make the experience better for people affected who choose to seek treatment. I hope what I share makes them more aware of the impact they can have (both good and bad.)

In my downtime, I’m looking forward to checking out the EXPO HALL which is huge and full of products and services… Celebrate Vitamins, Premier Protein, Livliga, and others (take a look at the list) I can’t wait to share the new and yummy goodies I taste. If you spot something you want me to be sure to visit and report back on let me know.

Obesity Week Eggface

Be sure to follow me on Twitter for my Music City adventure and the #OW2018 hashtag. I’ve never been to Nashville if you can believe that… so it will be fun. Well technically, I drove through it when we moved cross country from New York to California but couldn’t stop because I had a guinea pig in the car. It was too hot… this time… no guinea pig and it might snow. So fair warning my twitter feed might have a lot of whining about the cold… Southern Californians whine at anything under 60°F. 

While I love and am thankful for the experiences and travel I’ve been able to do on behalf of the Obesity Action Coalition I do have to say I’m looking forward to nothing on the agenda travel wise till January… just some holiday cooking, sharing recipes and products. Till then be sure to check out some of these past posts to get you ready for Thanksgiving and the holidays post-bariatric surgery.

Some of my favorite Thanksgiving Appetizers, Side Dishes, and Desserts
My Thanksgiving and Fall Pinterest Recipe Page
What to do with all those Thanksgiving Leftovers

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