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Weight Loss

Tragedy Sucks – Weekly Weigh In

I am at a loss for words tonight.  I have actually been sitting here for over 30 minutes wasting time online because I didn’t really know what to call this post or what to even say…

Last week was a rough week.  It was probably one of the roughest weeks in my career.  My teacher family was hurting.  We were hurting badly!  One of my coworker’s daughters was in a horrific car accident and she was airlifted from the crash to the hospital for emergency brain surgery.  Tragic…horrific…awful.  The little girl is a third grader at my school and her mom is a first grade teacher who is a single parent raising two children on her own.  Her daughter had to have brain surgery and is still in a medically induced coma.  My coworker isn’t sure if she is going to be able to return to work this school year because she has to be by her daughter’s side.  She is spending day and night in the hospital with her precious little girl.  So sad and so tragic but we know that God’s hands are all over this precious one.  If you want to read more about it, here is the link to her Go Fund Me account.  If you pray, please pray for Taylor Grace.  She was a miracle baby like our Delaney and we know that God has BIG plans for her future!

Then, later in the week, my best friend’s daughter has some seizures in the car on the way home from school.  They had to take her to the ER in an ambulance and she was in the hospital until Tuesday of this week.  They finally got the seizure medication under control and stabilized but she will have to be on medicine for at least the next few years!

I mean…wow!  Like I said, my work family is really hurting right now and a blog post just doesn’t seem relevant right now.  I will report my weigh in to you because that is a commitment I made to myself!

January 23, 2017 Weekly Weigh In

Down 1.6.  I was so happy!  I worked hard last week to make sure I tracked EVERYTHING.  I went over a few days but I still tracked and I expected to do well on the scale.

My total for this month is 5.4 pounds!  Yes!  I will take it.

Tonight, I encourage you to hug your babies close.  Tell others if you love them.  Don’t hold grudges.  Let go of the past.  Forgive.  Life is so short and so precious and you never know when it will change.

The post Tragedy Sucks – Weekly Weigh In appeared first on It Sux To Be Fat.

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