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Vegan News for Dec. 16, 2023 –

Top news of the week

India’s shift toward veganism: A comprehensive national survey conducted by YouGov’s India panel, which included responses from 2,033 participants, indicates a strong trend in India favoring veganism. Approximately 59% of respondents showed a high likelihood of considering a vegan diet. This inclination is seen as part of India’s evolving cultural consciousness, with a majority acknowledging the ethical aspects of veganism. The survey also debunks myths about the vegan diet being restrictive or unpalatable, with a majority finding it easy to maintain and rich in food choices​​. Story on India News Today

Vegan Commercial Premieres in US Theaters: A vegan commercial, spearheaded by the Eat Differently initiative, is being shown in 1,800 US theaters before the “Wonka” movie, featuring notable vegan celebrities and spreading a powerful plant-based message. Read about it in Plant-Based News.

Senara’s Cell-Cultivated Milk Technology: A German startup, Senara, has unveiled a technology for producing “real milk” without cows. This innovation represents a significant step in ethical veganism, offering nutritious dairy-free milk. Read the full story.

South Korea’s Restrictive Plant-Based Labeling: We’re disappointed to see that South Korea has imposed restrictions on labeling plant-based products with terms like “beef” or “pork.” This decision could potentially hinder the progress and accessibility of plant-based alternatives. Read more on

Social Spotlight

Chia Seeds’ Potential in Health and Medicine: A recent study highlighted the extraordinary potential of chia seeds, not just in nutrition but also in medicine, including their role in tackling health issues like diabetes and high blood pressure. Vegan diets can be very healthy, as studies like this show. Read the full paper.

Quick Bite

Recipe of the Week: Try a quick and easy vegan chia pudding. This simple and nutritious treat is made with just chia seeds, soy milk, and vanilla extract, offering a high-protein option for breakfast or a snack. You mix the ingredients in a jar or container and refrigerate for at least two hours or until the chia seeds have absorbed the liquid. The recipe is customizable with various toppings like fresh fruit, maple syrup, nut or seed butter, and shredded coconut. For the full recipe and more details, you can visit Nourished by Caroline.

Did You Know?

The “Vegan” Label and Consumer Choices: The perception of a vegan label by consumers can significantly influence their purchasing decisions. A study revealed that meat eaters are more likely to purchase plant-based foods when they are not explicitly labeled as vegan, which is reflected in the number of “stealth vegan” restaurants in the Los Angeles area. Insights from VegNews.

share your thoughts

Changing Fast Food Landscape: With the increasing introduction of vegan options in mainstream fast-food chains, how do you perceive the impact on the general perception of veganism? Join the discussion and share your views in the comments.

Stay informed and keep advocating for a more vegan world. See you next week with more updates!

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