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Vegetarian food Variety

Actually so many foods that can be eaten or eaten by the Vegetarian. Not like that envisioned in the minds of people who think that if we are vegetarians we would lack nutrients and vitamins from all the food that we should not eat any more. It’s actually very wrong. And to clarify all that, here we will see how much food can be consumed by vegetarians, and it also contains many nutrients and vitamins that are great for the health of our bodies. Actual benefits of vegetarian food is so incredible, but unfortunately many do not realize it.
As for the types of vegetarian food is widely used to benefit include:
A. Fruits and Vegetables
Fruit and vegetables are sources of food contain the most vitamins and nutrients. Also in fruits and vegetables contain many substances that can inhibit and even kill the bad bacteria cells that can grow in a degenerative disease of our body. Therefore multiply and routine is to consume fruits and vegetables. And to get it so easily, can be purchased at the market or in the supermarket with prices so affordable, and abundant throughout the year.
B. Tubers, Rice and Nuts
Tubers, rice and beans is not lost nutrients and vitamins than fruits and vegetables. So many types of tubers, such as Potatoes, Cassava, Yam etc.. The usefulness of tubers is to neutralize the gas and heat in the body. While groups are grains such as rice, corn, wheat, buckwheat, barley, oats, millet, rye is a source of kabohidrat complex, high protein, calcium, iron, vitamin B and minerals such as phosphate, potassium and zinc.
While nuts are foods rich in cholesterol-free protein. Fat content in nuts are unsaturated and rich kabohidrat nuts, fiber, vitamins, especially B vitamins, and minerals (Calcium, Phosphate, Zinc and Magnesium). Good beans are beans that contain many nutrients such as peas, lentils, soybeans, walnuts, cashews, peanuts, brazil nuts, peanuts bogor, kwaci, sesame seeds, sun. And that is rich in iron, calcium, zinc and linoleic acid is a long beans, green beans, green beans, red beans and black beans.
C. Honey
Honey helped cure the disease, if dissolved in hot water then the strong effects can be controlled. Honey can overcome health problems, such as heat and pain of impending menstruation. The other benefits of honey are: Honey contains minerals, amino acids and vitamins that help the digestive process as well as calcium for healthy happened that, honey serves as a natural antibiotic and works effectively treat wounds, honey is not in the original is best though, because the screening process, warming will remove and destroy pollen nourished, and honey can detoxify toxins in the body.
D. Ingredient
In addition to herbs that we use to taste, it also as a remedy for various diseases, among others are:
@ Pepper – Pepper can stimulate androgen and estrogen hormones, prevent osteoporosis, eliminate fatigue, muscle relaxing, and uplifting.
@ Kayu Manis – Cinnamon blood circulation, relieve pain, increase appetite, gas peluruh, peluruh sweat, relax their muscles, to warm and the circulation of chi in the body.
@ Ginger – Ginger function inhibits the growth of mold, flu medicine, overcome premature ejaculation, stimulates perspiration, launched ASI, freshener, increase the activity of the endocrine glands and stimulate skin cell regeneration.
@ Turmeric – Turmeric is anti-inflammatory, anti-spasm, antioxidants, refreshing, suppress cough, also stimulates the immune system. Besides actually much more, only here we give examples of some kinds only.
E. Milk
Quality of breast milk is best (Breast milk) because it contains the optimal laktalbumin digested by the baby. By nutritionists at the suggested benefits of breastfeeding mothers in baby, and not cow’s milk. Because cow’s milk protein substances that are difficult to digest, while the process of pasteurization and preservation is no guarantee the integrity of nutrition cans. Milk protein and fat can be digested well. Vitamins and minerals are also relatively complete milk. According to the study of milk consumed 1-2 times a day can avoid the risk of breast cancer in women pramenopouse. And more are encouraged to consume soy milk.
Men who do not consume milk has twice the risk of stroke, heart attack, hypertension than those who consume milk. One of the milk protein that is very influential on relaxation and sleep quality is alpha-laktalbumin. Also in a glass of milk there are many components that help prevent and cope with stress. Vitamins B1, folic acid, pantothenic acid, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C in milk can ease tension and prevent mild depression.
F. Seaweed and algae Sea
The vegetarian is important to consume seaweed, because the only natural source of Iodine is essential for the body, is also rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B1-B12, and Vitamin E. Nori (seaweed) and nutrient-rich seaweed mix a little while cooking the rice or fruit juice every day is good for the digestion and absorption of nutrients in the body. Rarely people use the wealth of nutrition on sea grass and seaweed. Nutritional value contained in the highest compared with any fruit and vegetables are also on this earth.
G. Vegetarian foods
Actually a lot of vegetarian foods sold in the market especially in vegetarian restaurants and supermarkets, with a range of options. Like, tofu, tempeh, noodles, Kwetiaw, gluten, Ham vegetarian, vegetarian meatballs, proteins, curd, assorted breads, and more processed foods than gluten.
H. White Water
Do not sell short the white water, all people need water. In the human body contains 85{967bf23b37ec6a673a83041540b3f904a815b4119ddf673afb961c1e7592ebdd} of all water, therefore water is so important to mankind, without exception whoever he is. Without water humans can not survive because of digestive fluids is number one in the body. Vegetarians need less liquid because fruits and vegetables consumed already contains water. But that does not mean do not require water, but consume more water each day would be better for our bodies rather than less.
I. Eggs
There was the vegetarian menu includes eggs in food. Although pure vegetarian has not eat eggs. Eggs can stabilize blood sugar and good for diabetics or people with hypoglycemia, but not recommended to consume excessive egg because now a lot of eggs injected with steroids and drugs and chemical triggers these hormones are not good for our body.
J. Mushrooms
Mushrooms are high protein foods to replace animal foods. Useful for the treatment of stroke, coronary heart disease, high cholesterol, rheumatic heart disease, hypertension, varicosmushroomse veins, blindness, hemorrhoids and diabetes. Mushrooms have no chlorophyll, so the fungus to live by absorbing food from plants that were already dead and decaying animal carcasses. Therefore there are some fungi that can not consumed.
But there are also fungi that contain high nutrients ie, shintake fungus, ear fungus and mushroom. These can be consumed for nutritional content (Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Ergosterol, fiber and compounds Lentinula edodes) which may help treat cancer, heart disease, hypertension, infections, reducing blood and hepatitis kolersterol
Actually there are many more types of food can be consumed by vegetarians, over just a few major examples only. Let us watch and care about our own health, so it’s not a difficult problem to become a vegetarian. All just depends on the intention and determination