Healthy Eating

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Weight Loss

Weight Loss is About Gaining Wisdom

Fit to the Finish –

wisdom in weight loss

Weight loss is not just about losing pounds, but also about gaining wisdom.

When I was actively losing weight, I usually only thought about dropping pounds and not so much about learning anything about myself. After all, if the scale went down – I was succeeding – right?

Well, not so much. Yes the pounds went down (sometimes) but I didn’t really gain wisdom along the way. That lack of “gaining wisdom” was detrimental to me because I inevitably gained weight back and was never able to lose the 100+ pounds I needed to lose.

Until. . . .

Until I put it all together and stopped thinking about weight loss as just dropping pounds and instead looked at the weight loss process as a time to gain wisdom about myself. To discern what made me weigh 300 pounds in the first place, to find a sustainable and realistic weight loss plan, and to celebrate each victory along the way.

Thinking through how I wanted to lose the weight gave me the opportunity to improve my knowledge of food nutrition, exercise “how-to’s”, and healthy eating. Rather than just blindly following the newest trend, I really made an effort to discover what made sense for me, and what I could sustain for a lifetime.

I used a lot of discernment. Discernment is a word we don’t hear very often, but it actually is a really interesting word.

One definition is: The mental ability to understand and discriminate between relationships.

With weight loss, discernment is all about finding out what works for you and what will work for you long-term. I discerned that my body needed a variety of good, healthy foods not only to lose weight, but to maintain my weight. I acknowledged I didn’t do well with a lot of restriction, didn’t want to exercise for hours each day, and was an emotional eater.

I counted it as victory every time I made a choice that moved me in the right direction. And when I made a choice that moved me further from my goals, I turned it into a victory by refusing to let it stop me on my journey.

Are you gaining wisdom while you are losing weight? Don’t be swayed by the fad diet of the day, or dwell solely on the scale. Instead take the time to learn, discern and gain victory of your eating habits today, and forever. 

Are you gaining wisdom while you lose weight? Let me know!  Diane

(c) Fit to the Finish – Read entire story here.