I’m feeling a blog funk, I have to say. Actually, I think it is covid funk and wishing there was a way to resolve all of this without any more fatalities. Wishful thinking, I know. It’s just so wearing on the soul. I keep wanting to post more, but motivation to do so is lacking. I even missed Flower Friday here. But, I will make up for that now.
We have tulips in full swing out front.
I didn’t realize I bought so many red tulips last fall. They are striking, though. There are some more orange ones as well, but they kind of blend into the red.
A few different colored ones:
A pink holdover from who knows when:
You just never really know what ones will come back. This patch of red ones has been going on probably 5 years now and hasn’t slowed down:
Others only last a season. It’s always a surprise!
Lily of the valley are starting to make their appearance:
Tons more of this one to bloom. I just love the fragrance.
After 5 years, I finally did something with our big brush pile from renovating the back beds when we moved in. We cut down a lot of the brush into big piles to burn in our fire pit and the rest was moved off to the side of the house awaiting collection. Normally our city comes around and picks up brush each spring, but because of covid, they suspended it for now since multiple people have to work too close together while picking it up. Not sure if they are going to start it up in June or forget it this year. They do take the leaf bags, though, since only one person goes around in a truck.
In the place of the brush pile is a compost bin. I had an open pile the last couple of years, but really wanted to hide it. I purchased a Geobin to set up. It’s only $35 with shipping. Of course, the locking keys weren’t sent with it to set it up, but the company was very fast to ship those missing pieces out to me.
Very easy to set up. This sits next to the shed. It’s probably 3 x 3 feet? Maybe 3.5 feet tall. It’s actually pretty full since I moved the active compost pile into it. My finished pile was great and I used most of that to sprinkle into our front lawn area where we are reseeding. I might get another one. The plan is to buy some fencing sections and kind of close this off from view since it is near our patio, but we are limiting trips to the hardware store as much as possible right now. It looks much better than the brush pile
The birdies have been super active lately. Getting ready for making spring babies! The white-throated sparrow has been migrating through. I love their song.
That one is on the left. Chipping sparrow on the right.
Our cardinals:
I don’t know how long cardinals live, but at least one pair has been here for several years and bringing their babies to our feeders. yay!
Hope you are all staying smart and staying safe!